2nd NeuroGuide License


Only Available after the purchase of a full Priced NeuroGuide License.  If you want to purchase a 3rd, 5th, 7th… NeuroGuide License you will need to pay full price.

SKU: NG-2 Category:


NeuroGuide™ is a “Tool Set” that a Clinician or Researcher can apply to help link symptoms and behavior to functional networks in the brain. One of the tools is EEG Neuroimaging to evaluate Brodmann Areas and nodes and connections of functional networks in the brain likely linked to symptoms, statically or in real-time.  NeuroGuide™, like a microscope/telescope enhances the clinical application of Conventional and Quantitative Electroencephalography qEEG and is easy to use technology fully instep with the 21st Century. 

Minimum Computer Requirements

Due to the heavy demand on computer resources the recommended PC configuration is dual-core or more than one core and at least 6 Gigabytes of ram.  NeuroGuide™ runs with all versions of Windows, however, Windows Home addition is recommended.

Advantages of NeuroGuide™

  • Dynamic Normative EEG Comparisons in real-time during editing
  • Automatic Artifact Rejection with Manual Editing Capability
  • Multiple EEG File Imports Calibrated by Microvolt sine waves
  • Instantaneous Split-Half Reliability and Test Re-Test Reliability
  • Eyes Open and Eyes Closed Lifespan Norms for different common and bipolar references
  • Compute EEG Coherence, Phase Delays, Amplitude Asymmetry & Power
  • Export to the Key Institute LORETA Equation & Talairach Atlas
  • Time Domain Output Files Formatted for Easy Import to LORETA Key Inst
  • EEG Filter Selections – Band pass, band stop, hi-pass and low-pass flexible settings
  • Tab Delimited Output Files for easy importing into other programs
  • Single channel examination with a mouse click and joint-time-frequency-analyses (JTFA)
  • Raw or Edited EEG Printouts of Different Montage Selections for Conventional EEG Analyses
  • FFT using a 0.5 Hz resolution and 1 Hz Color Maps from 1 to 50 Hz
  • Export edited EEG in Lexicor file format and EDF and ASCII
  • FFT Normative Power Ratios and Peak Frequency in Different Bands
  • Multiple Color Topographic Maps
  • Select from Different Topographic Map Colors and Z Score Ranges
  • Joint-Time Frequency-Analysis (JTFA) for Time and Frequency Analyses of EEG
  • Dynamic Time-Frequency Z Scores to Facilitate Visual Examination of the EEG
  • Time Domain LORETA Z Scores for the Localizing Sharp Waves and Conventional EEG Features
  • Automatic Eye Movement and Drowsiness Detection Routines

License Transfer Policy: Under FDA rules and US Copyright laws no transfers of a license are permitted.  Also, in some instances once a permanent Key B is issued to a customer then the license is forever active and can not be transferred to a different person. An attempt to transfer a license is a violation of copyright law as explained in the copyright notice when NeuroGuide™ is launched.

Additional information


NeuroGuide, NeuroGuide CD U.S.A., NeuroGuide CD International, NeuroGuide 2nd license, One Year Update Subscription, Recreate and Upload an Older

Version of NeuroGuide

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