

BrainSurfer a Brain Computer Interface with 3-D NeuroImaging of Functional Brain Networks, sLORETA of Brodmann Areas & sLORETA of Networks in Real-time and Live Z scores of nodes and connections between nodes as measured by sLORETA Coherence, sLORETA Phase Differences, sLORETA Phase Shift, and sLORETA Phase Lock.

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BrainSurfer (Surf) – A Brain-Computer-Interface

  • 3-Dimensional NeuroImaging of Functional Brain Networks
  • sLORETA of Brodmann Areas & sLORETA of Networks in Real-Time
  • Live Z scores of nodes and connections between nodes as measured by sLORETA Coherence,  sLORETA Phase Differences, sLORETA Phase Shift, and sLORETA Phase Lock.

Comparison of BrainSurfer and Avatar




sLORETA Z Scores-eyes closed
Birth – 82 years
Limited Age Range*
sLORETA Z Scores-eyes open
Birth – 82 years
Limited Age Range*
Proportional Colors  
Brodmann Areas  
Regions of Interest  
Available for Amplifiers Listed Below  
Realistic MRI Volume  
Network Dynamics  
sLORETA Coherence  
sLORETA Phase Difference  
sLORETA Phase Shift  
sLORETA Phase Lock  
Symptom Check List  
Session Rounds  
Progress Chart  
LORETA Z Scores Amygdala only


 Available Now

* Uses FFT Means and Standard Deviations to Compute Instantaneous Z scores.  Brainmaster estimates about 8% difference, ANI 14% & BrainDx greater than 14% difference between the FFT mean and JTFA mean values computed on the same data.

List of Amplifiers that can be used with the BrainSurfer Add-On:

  • Advanced Brain Monitoring B-Alert X24 – We do not support models manufactured after 2013. 
  • ANT eegosport
  • BrainAmp MR (available for certain models – Contact Us)
  • BrainMaster Discovery
  • Cadwell Essentia
  • CGX/Cognionics Quick-20, Quick-20r, Quick-20r v2, Quick-20m & CAMP
  • Contec
  • DeMeTec Data Box 30
  • Deymed EEG 32ch
  • Fistar
  • Medicom
  • Mitsar
  • Neuroelectrics Enobio 20 & 30 ch, StarStim
  • NeuroField Q20 & Q21
  • Neuron-Spectrum 2, 3, 4, 4EP, 4P, 5, 5S
  • NeuroPulse NP-Q 10/20
  • NeuroSurve
  • NeXus Q32 & 32 (now 32F)
  • ScienceBeam eWave
  • Wearable Sensing DSI-24 (For Research)
  • Ybrain Mindd Scan 20
  • Zeto WR19

Minimum Computer Requirements

Due to the heavy demand on computer resources the recommended PC configuration is dual-core or more than one core and at least 6 Gigabytes of ram.  NeuroGuide™ runs with all versions of Windows, however, Windows 10 is recommended.

In addition, the BrainSurfer Add-on require a high quality video card with at least 2 Gigabytes of memory and compatible with Open GL 2.0.

The NeuroNavigator Add-ons require a high quality video card with at least 2 Gigabytes of memory and compatible with Open GL 3.3 or greater.

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