
Manuals & Tutorials

The NeuroGuide Manual is a PDF document inside of NeuroGuide  To access the Manual open NeuroGuide, next click on Help then select NeuroGuide Manuals… We recommend that you use Adobe Acrobat Reader DC to read the manual. The manual contain five parts, Part I – Getting Started which includes useful information for beginners and the NeuroGuide Tutorial; Part II – NeuroGuide Manual; Part III – NeuroStat Manual and Tutorial; Part IV – NeuroBatch Manual and Tutorial; and Part V- the Signal Generation Manual and Tutorial. You can also download the PDF versions of the complete NeuroGuide Manual, or just parts of NeuroGuide Manual or the NeuroLink Manual by using the buttons below:

To learn even more about NeuroGuide you can also visit our YouTube Video Library or our Free Webinars.

Download the NeuroGuide Manual

NeuroGuide Manual

NeuroGuide is an informative and comprehensive digital EEG and QEEG analysis system. NeuroGuide is designed for use with the LORETA Key Institute Source Localization software for registration with the Talairach MRI Atlas from the Montreal Neurological Institute. Order NeuroGuide Online

Download the NeuroGuide Manual
Download the NeuroBatch Manual

NeuroBatch Manual

NeuroBatch is a program that provides for automatic processing of large numbers of edited EEG files in batch mode. Color topographic maps and tab delimited output is provided for each edited EEG file as well as NeuroGuide Analysis files that can be imported into NeuroStat for the purposes of individual and group statistics.

Download the NeuroBatch Manual
Download the NeuroStat Manual

NeuroStat Manual

NeuroStat is a program that provides statistical comparisons and descriptive statistics of EEG samples saved as Individual NeuroGuide Analysis Files or *.NGA files. NeuroStat also provides individual and group parametric statistical tests using the Key Institute LORETA program.

Download the NeuroStat Manual
Download the Signal Generation Manual

NeuroGuide Signal Generation Manual

The signal generator is used to calibrate and test the digital signal processing properties of NeuroGuide as well as to serve as an educational program by which the principles of digital signal analyses can be learned and explored. Concepts such as frequency, time, phase delays, noise, amplitude and coherence can be tested and evaluated.

Download the Signal Generation Manual
Download the NeuroLink Help Manual

NeuroLink Help Manual

NeuroLink is a Stand-alone product that runs on PCs and Macs and provides a self-assessment of symptoms based on the NeuroGuide symptom checklist inside of the Surface Z Score Neurofeedback Module, the LORETA Z Score Neurofeedback Module and BrainSurfer. Order NeuroLink Online

Download the NeuroLink Help Manual

Add On Normative Databases

The LORETA Source Correlation Normative Database and/or the Bi-Spectrum  Normative Database are the only 2 Normative Databases that are not install with NeuroGuide.  You must first download and install these databases if you plan on using either or both of them in NeuroGuide  Demo mode.

If you are a NeuroGuide Licensee, then these Databases will only be activated after you have purchased the LORETA Source Correlation Normative Database and/or the Bi-Spectrum Normative Database add on(s).

Note: After downloading, the zip files must be properly extracted using the Zip Instructions provided here.

Download the LORETA Source Correlation Normative Database

LORETA Source Correlation Normative Database

The Low Resolution Electromagnetic Tomography (LORETA normative database used the Key Institute’s ‘T’ matrix and cross-spectrum equations to compute the cross-spectrum of the EEG from each subject in the NeuroGuide normative database, for each 2,394 gray matter pixel. Order LORETA Source Correlation Online

Download the LORETA Source Correlation Normative Database
Download the Cross-Frequency or Bi-Spectrum Normative Database

Bi-Spectrum Normative Database

Dynamic Bi-Spectral Analyses for NeuroGuide Deluxe includes two categories of Bi-Spectral analyses in NeuroGuide. Order Dynamic Bi-Spectral Analyses Add-on now.

Download the Cross-Frequency or Bi-Spectrum Normative Database

License Manager Tool for NeuroGuide 2.8.1 and earlier

This version of the License Manager Tool has the latest IP address for the ANI Server. After downloading the License Manager tool save it in a folder on your computer. You must have access to the internet and be online in order for the License Manager to Update the Security Keys and renew or refresh the License. If there are problems then Contact Customer Service for assistance.  If a Key A is available then copy and paste the Key A into an email and include the version number of the NeuroGuide installed on your computer.

Then unzip the .zip file and save the installation files in the same folder. Before installing the License Manager Tool, disable all your Anti-Virus and/or Malware/AdWare Software. Then double click setup to install the License Manager. Then launch the License Manager Tool and click ‘Update online’.

Download the License Manager Tool

License Manager Tool 1.0.3

Before installing the License Manager Tool, disable your Anti-Virus and/or Malware Software.  Then double click on the setup file to install the License Manager. Then launch the License Manager Tool and click Update Online.

Download the License Manager Tool

ICA Test files and Tutorials

You can download the ICA Test files and Tutorial Documentation from the Hyperlinks below:
Note: The zip files must be extracted after download.

Download the ICA/Blind Identification Tutorial

ICA/Blind Identification Tutorial

Tutorial on Adulteration of Phase Relations when using Independent Components Analysis/Blind Identification and other Regression Methods to Correct for Artifact.

Download the ICA/Blind Identification Tutorial
Download the TBI ICA Test Original EEG

TBI ICA Test Original EEG File

The original TBI EEG is in .EDF format.

Download the TBI ICA Test Original EEG
Download the TBI ICA Test Corrected EEG

TBI ICA Test Corrected EEG File

The ICA corrected TBI EEG is in .EDF format.

Download the TBI ICA Test Corrected EEG
Download the Australia Original Pre-ICA EEG

Australia Original Pre-ICA EEG

The Pre-ICA EEG is in .edf forma.

Download the Australia Original Pre-ICA EEG
Download the Australia Post-ICA EEG

Australia Post-ICA EEG

The Post ICA EEG is in .edf format.

Download the Australia Post-ICA EEG
Download the Effects of Ocular Artifact Removal

Effects of Ocular Artifact Removal through ICA on EEG Phase

Neurophysiological data are widely affected by different forms of signal artifacts. In electroencephalographic recordings from the scalp, eye blinks are a main contribution as a source of signal alteration.

Download the Effects of Ocular Artifact Removal


NeuroGuide Quick Tour

NeuroGuide Quick Tour

NeuroGuide is an informative and comprehensive digital EEG and QEEG analysis system. This requires Adobe Flash Player to view Download Here

NeuroGuide Quick Tour
Download the Ghent, Belgium 2013 Workshop PowerPoint in PDF format

PowerPoint of the 2013 Workshop held in Ghent, Belgium

Neuropsychiatry and Quantitative Electroencephalography in the 21st Century.  Genesis of the Human Electroencephalogram – EEG.

Download the Ghent, Belgium 2013 Workshop PowerPoint in PDF format
Download Dr. Thatcher's Presentation

International Symposium on Clinical Neuroscience

Advanced Concepts on EEG and QEEG Assessment and Human Performance. International Symposium on Clinical Neuroscience Feb 3-5, 2017. Linking Symptoms to qEEG Biomarkers and Neurofeedback

Download Dr. Thatcher's Presentation
Download the Handbook of QEEG & EEG Biofeedback

Handbook of QEEG and EEG Biofeedback

Click to go to the website to download the eBook format of the Handbook of QEEG that contains over 200 pages of Hands-On Tutorials. Purchase the ebook, the hardcopy or the bundle Online Now

Download the Handbook of QEEG & EEG Biofeedback