NeuroNavigator for a 2nd NG License


A 2nd License NeuroNavigator with Raw Current Density values must be purchased before you can have access to the Real-Time NeuroNavigator and the NeuroNavigator Time Domain Capture Tools in NeuroGuide or before purchasing any of the NeuroNavigator add-on 2nd License options.


NeuroNavigator for a 2nd NeuroGuide License

Basic NeuroNavigator Current Source Density (CSD) Raw Scores Only

Applied Neuroscience, Inc. New Generation of a Powerful swLORETA Navigator. The old 2001 Key Institute LORETA viewer is often not compatible with new Windows operating systems and new computer hardware. In response, ANI is proud to announce the development of the next generation of EEG Neuroimaging now available for purchase. NeuroNavigator with Raw Current Density (CSD) values must be purchased before you can purchase our NeuroNavigator add-on options (i.e., Z scores of CSD norms and Functional Connectivity (Coherence & Phase) and/or Effective Connectivity (Phase Slope Index) and/or Diffusion Tensor Imaging.

The NeuroNavigator is a new state of the art Electrical Neuroimaging tool that uses a real-MRI with 12,270 voxels and the Boundary Element Method (BEM) to compute the inverse solution. The BEM avoids the errors inherent in the use of a spherical head model and allows for accurate source localization at depths. In addition the NeuroNavigator uses swLORETA (weighted sLORETA) that adjusts for source space inhomogeneity and provides accurate estimates of source gradients from the upper cortical layers I – III to the lower cortical layers IV-VI.

This inexpensive and powerful swLORETA navigator provides increased accuracy and ease of use. The NeuroNavigator provides advanced tools to effortlessly explore the electrical activity of your patient’s brain and link symptoms to dysregulation in brain networks. The new state of the art swLORETA has 12,470 voxel while the Key Institute LORETA viewer has only 2,394 voxels and a low resolution average MRI. The ANI NeuroNavigator is the modern replacement that retains many of the old Key Institute viewer properties while at the same time supercharging the viewer to greatly improved resolution and the ability to image deep sources and not just surface sources like the Key Institute LORETA and sLORETA do. The sw prefix stands for standardized weighted LORETA that has the same zero localization error in low noise environments but adds a weighting to achieve depth source resolution (E. Palmero-Soler et al, Phys. Med. Bio.; 52;1783-1800, 2007). Test the new swLORETA navigator in the free NeuroGuide demo and see for yourself what the advanced 21st Century brain imager is capable of. To arrange for the 12 Month Payment Plan Contact the ANI Customer Support Team at: [email protected].

Minimum Computer Requirements

Due to the heavy demand on computer resources the recommended PC configuration is dual-core or more than one core and at least 6 Gigabytes of ram.  NeuroGuide™ runs with all versions of Windows, however, Windows 10 is recommended.

In addition, the NeuroNavigator Add-ons require a high quality video card with at least 2 Gigabytes of memory and compatible with Open GL 3.3 or greater.

NeuroNavigator Options Include Raw Scores and Z Scores for Current Source Density, Functional Connectivity and Effective Connectivity, Plus Diffusion Tensor Imaging:

  • 12,270 Voxels of Raw Current Density + Navigation Tools = NN
  • Advanced Navigation Tools include a “Cutting Tool” and “Coronal, Sagittal and Axial Slicing Tools
  • Brodmann Area Outlines and Coordinates
  • Superimposed Scalp Electrical Potentials
  • Transparency Adjustments to Simultaneously View the Scalp Surface EEG Potentials and the Underlying Cortical Sources
  • A Symptom Checklist and Networks Linked to Symptoms
  • Neurofeedback Protocols
  • Raw Current Density and Z Scores from the Life span Normative Database (2 months to 82 years) – Must purchase NN & NNZ
  • Functional Connectivity (Coherence and Phase Difference) – Must purchase NN & NNZ first
  • Effective Connectivity (Magnitude of Information Flow) – Must purchase NN & NNZ first
  • Integration of Diffusion Tensor Imaging (NNDTI) – Must purchase NN & NNZ, Plus Functional Connectivity and/or Effective Connectivity first
  • FREE Real-Time NeuroNavigator*
  • FREE NeuroNavigator Time Domain Capture*

* NNZ, NNF, NNI and NNDTI options will only work with the Real-Time NeuroNavigator & the NeuroNavigator Time Domain Capture, if and when you have purchased the add-on(s) as indicated below

How to Purchase the Various NeuroNavigator Options and What You Receive for Your Investment:

NN2 =  NeuroNavigator + Real-Time Navigator + NeuroNavigator Time Domain Capture with Raw Current Density only

NN2 + NNZ2 = NeuroNavigator + Real-Time Navigator + NeuroNavigator Time Domain Capture with  Raw and CSD Z Scores

NN2 + NNZ2 + NNF2 NeuroNavigator + Real-Time Navigator + NeuroNavigator Time Domain Capture with Raw & CSD Z Scores + Functional Connectivity Z Scores

NN2 + NNZ2 + NNI2 = NeuroNavigator + Real-Time Navigator + NeuroNavigator Time Domain Capture with Raw & CSD Z Scores + Information Flow (Effective Connectivity)

NN2 + NNZ2 + NNF2 + NNI2  = NeuroNavigator + Real-Time Navigator + NeuroNavigator Time Domain Capture with Raw & CSD Z Scores + Functional Connectivity Z Scores + Information Flow (Effective Connectivity)

NN2 + NNZ2 + NNF2 + NNDTI2  = NeuroNavigator + Real-Time Navigator + NeuroNavigator Time Domain Capture with Raw & CSD Z Scores + Functional Connectivity Z Scores + Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI)

NN2 + NNZ2 + NNI2 + NNDTI2  = NeuroNavigator + Real-Time Navigator + NeuroNavigator Time Domain Capture with Raw & CSD Z Scores + Effective Connectivity Z Scores + DTI

NN2 + NNZ2 + NNF2 + NNI2 + NNDTI2 NeuroNavigator + Real-Time Navigator + NeuroNavigator Time Domain Capture with Raw & CSD Z Scores + Functional & Effective Connectivity Z Scores + DTI

  Real Time Z Scores for CSD, Functional Connectivity & Effective Connectivity will be available in future releases.

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