What’s New – Important Innovations

Feb. 27, 2025 – NeuroGuide 3.3.8 includes the following updates: 1- Added The BrainBit Dragon EEG has been added to the list of of calibrated and compatible amplifiers. 2-Added the ability to import ipsilateral data in EDF format, as long as A1 and A2 are in the file.

Dec. 18, 2024 – NeuroGuide 3.3.7 includes the following updates: 1- Added NeuroLink Menu and Option to Launch NeuroLink from inside NeuroGuide. 2-Added NeuroLink Folder Option to Subject Database – Information window.

Jul. 25, 2024 – NeuroGuide 3.3.5 includes the following updates: 1- Better ANI Streamer compatibility with Windows. 2- Improved efficiency of the swLORETA Phase Reset (Phase Shift and Phase Lock Duration) Normative Database in the NeuroNavigator. 3-Minor update for Zukor.

Mar. 19, 2024 – NeuroGuide 3.3.4 includes the following update: 1- Phase Reset (Phase Shift and Phase Lock Duration) has been added to swLORETA Z Score Neurofeedback. 2- Minor Update for the Mitsar amplifier.

Jan. 31, 2024 – NeuroGuide 3.3.3 includes the following update: 1- The NeuronSpectrum 65 has been added to the list of calibrated and compatible amplifiers. As with the majority of the compatible amplifiers one must have the software for the amplifier installed and working with said software, so NeuroGuide has access to the proper drivers for the amplifier.

Nov. 28, 2023 – NeuroGuide 3.3.2 includes the following update: 1- Updated the look of the Automatic Clinical Report.

Aug. 3, 2023 – NeuroGuide 3.3.1 includes the following update: 1- Improved the speed of Automatic Clinical Report generation and formatting. 2- Added Session Score and Score per Minute to swLORETA BrainSurfer, and 3- Integration of Contec amplifier.

Jun. 8, 2023 – NeuroGuide 3.3.0 includes the following update: 1- Added swLORETA BrainSurfer.

Apr. 12, 2023 – NeuroGuide 3.2.9 includes the following update: 1- Added  Z Score Cross-Frequency Neurofeedback, 2- Integration of new NeXus Q32 amplifier.

Dec. 21, 2022 – NeuroGuide 3.2.8 includes the following update: 1- 3D Rendering of Brodmann areas in the NeuroNavigator, 2- Updated NaviStat for single network tab delimited output, 3- Integration of new ANT EEGO EEG amplifier, 4-  Integration of new Neurosurve EEG Amplifier  and, 5- Integration of new NeuroField amplifier.

June 1, 2022 – NeuroGuide 3.2.6 includes the following update: 1-  No limit to the number of selectable symptoms in the Symptom Checklist;  2-The default z-score value to select outliers in the Symptom Checklist was put back to 0 (all ROIs and all metrics); 3- Update of EDF conversion table and; 4-A New NeuroNavigator Selection Panel.

Mar. 2, 2022 – NeuroGuide 3.2.5 includes the following update: 1- The NeuronSpectrum 5 has been added to the list of calibrated and compatible amplifiers. As with the majority of the compatible amplifiers one must have the software for the amplifier installed and working with said software, so NeuroGuide has access to the proper drivers for the amplifier.

Feb. 7, 2022 – NeuroGuide 3.2.4 includes the following updates: 1- Added swLORETA Phase Reset (Phase Shift and Phase Lock) Normative Database to the NeuroNavigator and, 2- Addition of the Nucleus Accumbens to the offline NeuroNavigator.

Nov. 22, 2021: NeuroGuide 3.2.3 includes the following updates: 1- Added Functional Connectivity (Coherence, Lagged Coherence, and Phase), and Effective Connectivity (Information Flow) to NaviStat and, 2- All Current Source Density and Connectivity Data Can Be Exported from NaviStat.

Oct. 18, 2021: NeuroGuide 3.2.2 includes the following updates: 1- User entry and modification of contact information, 2- Addition of the Science Beam E Wave Amplifier to the list of calibrated and compatible amplifiers, 3- Support for data import from the new Mind Media Q32 amplifier and, 4- Parameter saving in NF1 and NF2 to .s04 and .s05 files.

Mar. 3, 2021:  NeuroGuide 3.2.0 includes the following updates: 1- Addition “NaviStat” a powerful 3D Statistics package for the NeuroNavigator. One must 1st purchase the NeuroNavigator., 2- Update of the swLORETA Symptom Check List to better align Symptoms and Networks. The Nu. Accumbens will be included in the next release, 3- NeuroNavigator updates to improve navigation, 4- Deymed NC Module was updated to include compatibility with the latest release of TrueScan , 5- Update of Deymed Games, and 6- Zeto has been added to the list of calibrated and compatible amplifiers.

Nov. 3, 2020: 3.1.0: 1- Addition of Cross-Frequency Phase-Amplitude Coupling and Cross-Frequency Power Correlation in NF3, 2- Update of NeuronSpectrum acquisition impedance module, 3-NeuroNavigator update where the medial part of Brodmann Area 34 is the Amygdala, 4- NeuroNavigator update includes contours around the Sub-Thalamus, Thalamus, nu. Accumbens and the Habenula, and 5- NeuroNavigator update that includes Dynamic surface EEG plots of Absolute Power and the Laplacian.

July 31, 2020: 3.0.9: 1- The addition of the Nucleus Accumbens Habenula connectivity for better reward imaging, 2- Addition of all of the networks and symptoms in Surface and sLORETA into the NeuroNavigator (e.g., ICN, Neuropsychology and Dod/VA protocols), 3- The Dynamic FFT in NeuroGuide added to the NeuroNavigator with the ability to zoom and turn channels on and off and, 4- Integration with the DeMeTec amplifier.

March 10, 2020: 3.0.8: 1- Update of the Parkinsonism swLORETA Neurofeedback with the addition of the Sub-thalamus and Red Nucleus, 2- An update of NeuroNavigator Time Domain Capture and Real-Time features, 3- The ability to zoom and move the Connectome Display inside of the NeuroNavigator , 4- The Addition of frequency Bands to the NeuroNavigator and, 5- Addition of the Y-Brain Amplifier to the list of calibrated and compatible amplifiers.

November 4, 2019: 3.0.7: 1- Cerebellum, Habenula, Sub-thalamus, Red Nucleus  and Habenula Hubs added to the NeuroNavigator for current density and functional and effective connectivity, 2- swLORETA Neurofeedback, 3- Update of Symptom Check List and Networks for Addiction, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Depression/Mood) and skilled motor movements, 4- Update of the 2D Connectome to include the cerebellum and other new Hubs, 5- Brain Function Index re-named to Brain Optimization Index (BOI).

June 19, 2019: 3.0.6 updates are: 1-Sound is added to the Universal ANI Streamer, 2- The Connectome 2D Connectivity map is added to the NeuroNavigator, 3- The ACR Z score threshold is set to Z = 1.96 and, 3- the Cognionics 19 channel wet amplifier (CAMP) NC collection module is added to NeuroGuide.

March 21, 2019: 3.0.5: 1- Added Z scores for Functional Connectivity for the Real-Time and Time Domain Capture NeuroNavigator, 2- Improved DTI User Interface with Groupings (left & right hemisphere) and Fiber Bundle Types (e.g. Fasciculi, Cerebellum, Cross Fibers, etc.), 3- Reactivation of the Brodmann Area Contours for Networks and, 4- Full Scale Values for the Lagged Coherence Functional Connectivity in the NeuroNavigator.

February 13, 2019: NG 3.0.3 – 3.0.4: 1- Added Full Complement of DTI Bundles to the NeuroNavigator, 2- Added Functional and Effective Connectivity to the DTI Fiber Bundles, 3-Added Real-Time NeuroNavigator , 4-Added Slider Controls for Navigation in the Volume View, 5- Added Cerebellar Structural, Functional and Effective Connectivity, 6- Updated the NeuroNavigator “Time Domain Capture” Tool, 7- Updated the NeuroNavigator Control Panel to Include Icons and other New Controls and, 8-Added Concussion Index and Brain Function Index Session History Import Capability.

September 26, 2018: NG 3.0.2: 1- Addition of swLORETA to the Automatic Clinical Report writer (ACR), 2- Improved neurofeedback protocol integration with the ACR, 3- Addition of the Center Voxel output file and Center voxel Navigation controls, 4- Added a NeuroNavigator Time Domain Capture tool that allows one to investigate visually observable epileptic events or spike/waves or any event in the EEG with great depth of analysis and, 5- added the “ANT eego” family of EEG amplifiers to the list of amplifiers that one can use with NeuroGuide for assessment and Neurofeedback.

August 1, 2018: NG 3.0.1: 1- Added Eight Fiber Bundles Produced by Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) to the NeuroNavigator, 2- Added DTI controls, 3- Added YBrain EEG Amplifier Imports to NeuroGuide.

June 20, 2018: NG 3.0: 1- Added the Universal Visual Display Tool for NeuroFeedback called the ANI Streamer; 2- Updated the visual appearance of the NeuroNavigator; 3- Updated the Connectivity Tab Delimited file in the NeuroNavigator; 4- Updated the Mitsar interface; 5- Added the Thalamus and Thalamic Networks to the NeuroNavigator; 6- Added Dial scores to the Brain Function Index and updated the tab delimited output; and 7- Added Dial scores to the Concussion Index.

April 18, 2018: NG 2.9.9: 1- Tab delimited .s04 for Surface NFB; 2- Added Gaussian swLORETA Coherence; 3- Added Gaussian swLORETA Lagged Coherence; 4- Gaussian swLORETA Phase Differences; and 5- Added swLORETA Information Flow (Phase-Slope Index) to the NeuroNavigator.

January 18, 2018: NG 2.9.8: 1-Added Functional Connectivity (Coherence and Phase) to the NeuroNavigator; 2- Added the Ability to view Brodmann area numbers by Shift + Right Mouse Click in the NeuroNavigator; and 3- Added a Center Voxels menu item in the settings config dialog.

December 11, 2017 – NG 2.9.7: 1- Updated menus and functionality to the NeuroNavigator; 2- Real-time color head maps during acquisition; 3- Added DSI-24 reset controls; 4- Integrated Tor Ghai’s Envelope that docs any image or DVD, etc for NFB; and 5- Added Stand alone NeuroNavigator.

September 19, 2017 – NG 2.9.6: 1-Added a Scalp Model with Transparency Control to the NeuroNavigator; 2- Added Scalp Electrical Potentials and Laplacian Current Source Density to the Scalp Model in the NeuroNavigator; and 3- Set Z = 0 in the Neurofeedback Symptom Check List Panel.

August 2, 2017 – NG 2.9.5: 1- Added a Rendered Head/Face Model to swLORETA Navigator; 2- Added a Cutting-Tool to Navigate through the Rendered Head Model; 3- Added the Colors to the swLORETA Network and Symptom Checklist sorted Brodmann Areas; and 4- Integrated the Neuroeletrics Enobio and StarStim-20 Amplifiers for collection and Neurofeedback.

June 12, 2017 – NG 2.9.4: 1- Added Networks and the Symptom Check list to swLORETA Navigator; 2- Added *.s05 export from swLORETA for Neurofeedback integration; 3- Added the Brain Function Index (BFI) and Concussion Index (CI) to the Automatic Clinical Report Writer (ACR); 4- Updated Radar Maps in the ACR; and 5- Integrated the Medicom EEG amplifier collection and Neurofeedback.

April 19, 2017 – NG 2.9.3: 1-Added the swLORETA Navigator; 2- Added the Brain Function Index; 2- Added new equilibration factors for the Nexus-32 amplifier; and 3- Updated the Concussion Index

January 10, 2017 – NG 2.9.2: 1- Added changeable sample rates for the NeuronSpectrum amplifier; 2- Added new equilibration factors for the Nexus-32 amplifier; 3- Updated the Subject database to create a common file so multiple users can create a shared database; 4- Added surface Cross-Frequency Phase-Amplitude Coupling as an add-on; and 5- Added ANI server identifications inside of Help > License Information.

October 7, 2016 – NG 2.9.1: 1- Added impedance checking for the NeuronSpectrum amplifier, 2- Added acquisition and impedance checking for the new Mitsar amplifier, 3- Corrected a Windows 10 conflict that prevented NeuroGuide from properly closing, 4- Updated the concussion index to a per-use capacity. Those that have already purchased the Concussion Index will be given unlimited access on the ANI server, 5- Added LORETA Cross-Frequency Coherence as an add-on and 6- Added Zukor Grind as a Neurofeedback display.

August 1, 2016 – NG 2.9.0: Added the surface EEG Cross-Frequency Coherence (SCFC) as an add on, 2- Added equilibration factors for the Elekta amplifier, 3- Added the ability to read the Deymed EEG when different sample rates are used, 4- Added Stop Time button in the Automatic Editing panel, 5- ERP viewer was added to allow one to import saved EP/ERPs and add or correct age for the norms, 6- Added a viewer to the concussion index so that one does not have to re-compute previously computed NeuroGuide outputs and, 7- Added the ability to collect EEG from the 6 channel Cognionics Dry Headset.

April 13, 2016 – NG 2.8.9: 1- Added the New BrainSurfer Network Viewer (BSV) as an add on, 2- Added the ability to resize the progress charts when used as a display in NF1 & NF2, 3- Improved the correspondence between the dial and the LORETA radar maps in the Neural Network Injury Index, 4- Added the Tinnitus network to NF1, NF2 and BrainSurfer, 5- Added Radar maps of more Brain networks in the ACR, 6- Added counter linked to the auditory threshold control to the BrainSurfer display, 7- Reverted to the 10 second outlier history for Z tunes, 8- Added the Auditory EP (AEP) and Mismatch Negativity (MMN) ERP to the EP/ERP add on, and 9- Enabled Deymed Games to work with all amplifiers and not be restricted to only the Deymed Amplifier.

February 25, 2016 – NG 2.8.8: 1- Added Zukor Multimedia and in the future plan to add Zukor Games to NF1 & NF2 Neurofeedback modules, 2- Expanded the range of Z score thresholds in NF1, NF2 and BrainSurfer, 3- Reactivated BrainSurfer I that has the advantage of viewing whole networks at single frequencies and metrics, 4- Substituted the Executive Network for the Pain Network in the Neural Network Injury Index, and 5- Changed the Key A encryption for more security and efficiency.

December 4, 2015 – NG 2.8.7: 1- Added the ability to backup and retrieve the Subject Database when transferring NeuroGuide to a new computer, 2- Added LORETA Effective Connectivity (ECL) as an add on to measure information flow between all combinations of 88 Brodmann areas, 3- Added a EP/ERP add on module that includes Visual EPs and the P-300 auditory ERP, 4- Added more information in the renewal and update subscription warning messages, 5- Added the ability to automatically renew licenses by clicking a Yes button in the renewal warning message and 6- Replaced the pain network for the Executive Network in the Neural Network Injury Index (NII) add on.

October 9, 2015 – NG 2.8.6: 1- Added the summary page to the Automatic Clinical Report (ACR), 2- Modified Z Tunes to use a linear regression of slope over a 1 second period, 3- Added the Chinese Fistar SNS amplifier to the list of amplifiers that NeuroGuide collects EEG from, 4- Added the Effective Connectivity for the Surface EEG as an add on (ECS), 5- Added the Neural Network Injury Index (NI) as an add on and, 4- Added a Rounds counter to the progress screen in NF1, NF2 and BrainSurfer.

May 13, 2015 – NG 2.8.5: 1- Added an import interface to NeuroLink symptom self-assessment, 2- Added a NeuroLink tab to the Symptom Check List panel to automatically create protocols based on patient/client symptom severity, 3- Added the dry electrode Wearable Sensing DSI-24 (NeuroGuide Dry) and Cognionics to the list of amplifiers that NeuroGuide collects EEG from and, 4- Renewal and Update Subscription Expiration notices appear in advance of expiration.

March 9, 2015 – NG 2.8.4: 1- Updated the Automatic Clinical Report Writer (ACR) to include more LORETA plots & set the company information header page as the 1st page followed by Options, added the ability to change the Z score threshold for LORETA and include more LORETA maps and more NFB recommendations, 3- Updated the license renewal feature to click Help > Change License Online for the renewable 2nd licensed computer, 4- Updated Mitsar acquisition module to control the latest Mitsar release and 5- Added an Impedance plot for Mitsar in the collection mode.

December 10, 2014 – NG 2.8.3 : 1- Updated the Automatic Clinical Report Writer (ACR) to include a “no logo” option, a “cancel button” in the Header tab & the manual signarture option is remembered upon next launch of the ACR, 2- NeuroGuide now ignores the CVI dlls that may be present in the NeuroGuide folder, 3- Re-adjustment of the Brodmann area 7 in the LORETA Z score NFB (NF2) coherence and phase metrics, 4- Return to the same default setting of 2 standard deviations in the “Automatic Editing” program, and 5- Event marker to include “Seizure Onset” & “Seizure Stop” markers and the ability to save the time of events and type of events in a tab delimited files.

December 1, 2014 – NG 2.8.2: 1- The Automatic Clinical Report Writer (ACR), 2- An update to improve sound control with the DVD and wave sound files in the Neurofeedback modules (NF1 & NF2) so that one can simultaneously use both the DVD and wave sound files, 3- An adjustment of the sign of the LORETA phase shift Z scores so that they are the same direction as the surface phase shift Z scores and 4- Adjustment of the center voxel location of Brodmann area 9 to increase the distance with respect to the Brodmann area 8 center voxel for LORETA Z score NFB (NF1) and phase.

June 2, 2014 – NG 2.8.1: 1- Added a Static LORETA Phase Shift and Phase Lock Duration Normative Database Add On, 2- Addition of session rounds and inter-session progress charts in BrainSurfer, 3- Update and simplification of BrainSurfer feedback where green, yellow and red colors represent increased distance from the feedback threshold and, 4- Equilibration factors and import capability for data generated by the BioSignal amplifier.

December 20, 2013 – NG 2.8.0: 1- Addition of DTI, Mirror Neurons and Mesulam Functional Networks to NF1, NF2 & BrainSurfer, 2- Control to include or exclude Phase Reset in NF2, 3- Automatic Editing added to NeuroBatch, 4- Option to switch between Min/Max Z scores and average Z scores per second, 5- BrainSurfer option to deliver positive feedback or green network color when equal to or below threshold and a negative feedback red network color when equal to or greater than threshold, 6-Equilibration factors and import capability for data produced by ANI and Evoke amplifiers and, 7 –Addition of an acquisition module (NC) for the ANT eegosport amplifier.

October 14, 2013 – NG 2.7.9: 1- BrainSurfer symptom check list linked, 2- BrainSurfer zoom by mouse wheel, 3- LORETA Phase reset in NF2; 4- Option to switch between Min/Max Z scores and average Z scores per second and, 5- Improved Mitsar EEG file imports.

September 13, 2013 – NG 2.7.8: 1- BrainSurfer surface projection of sources and Brodmann area labeling, 2- BrainSurfer mesial surface rendering & mouse control, 3- LORETA Phase reset in Brainsurfer III; 4- Nexus calibration adjustment, 5- Mitsar calibration file re-format and, 6- Addition of BrainAmp NC module.

June 12, 2013  – NG 2.7.7: 1 – Addition of BrainSurfer-II add on; 2- NeuroField amplifier integration with NeuroGuide; 3- Addition of Edit Selection Duration in the Automatic Edit panel; 4- Addition of sound and counters to BrainSurfer for neurofeedback; 5- Addition of Tab Delimited output of LORETA Source Correlations; and 6- Addition of sound control to the DVD and Video player.

April 10, 2013 – NG 2.7.6: 1- Addition of BrainSurfer-I add on; 2- WinEEG/EEG Studio integration to allow NeuroGuide to be launched from a menu inside of WinEEG/EEG Suite; 3- Advanced Brain Monitoring integration; 4- Enobio amplifier equilibration for EEG import; and 5- Updates of Nexus-32 and Mitsar acquisition DLLs.

November 19, 2012 – NG 2.7.5: 1- Addition of tab delimited output for the Surface and LORETA Z score neurofeedback protocols; 2- New dynamic automatic editing panel that includes both a template and a Z score criteria for the selection of artifact free EEG; and 3- Dynamic JTFA control panel to simplify dynamic selections.

July 19, 2012 – NG 2.7.4: 1- Addition of tab delimited output for LORETA coherence, LORETA phase & LORETA current density; 2- Addition of LORETA current density as a contour map as part of the LORETA coherence & phase add on; 3- Multimedia DVD player controls appear before clicking Begin Session in NF1 & NF2; 4- Increased the length of the LORETA Time Domain Capture to 1 minute; and 5- Ability to save .ng files when one clicks OK in the subject information window after clicking ‘Stop’ acquisition.

May 18, 2012 – NG 2.7.3: 1- Implementation of raw and Z score LORETA coherence and LORETA phase as an add on; 2- the inclusion of the ICN (Intrinsic Connectivity Network) as a tab in the Symptom Check List; 3- The ability to identify all of the real-time Z scores in the neurofeedback Progress Chart by simply moving the mouse over the Z score plot; and 4- The addition of Phase Shift and Phase Lock plots in the Inter-Session Progress chart.

March 20, 2012 – NG 2.7.2: 1- Modification of the Demo import of tutorial EEG files that are part of the Handbook of QEEG and EEG Biofeedback. Sample EEG files can be downloaded and then opened in the free NeuroGuide Demo for those that want to exercise the tutorials in the book; and 2- The first phase of a new database manager that operates in the EEG collection mode. Eliminates having to re-type patient information and helps organize patient EEG and neurofeedback files.

February 6, 2012 – NG 2.7.1: 1- Improved DVD controls including fast forward and reverse; 2- Addition of multiple plots of inter-round progress; 3- Ability to identify neurofeedback metrics by simply moving the mouse over the inter-session progress chart plots; and 4- Addition of the addiction network to the symptom check list (i.e., substance abuse) and network panels.

November 29, 2011 – NG 2.7.0: 1- Addition DVD capability in the NF1 & NF2 modules; and 2- Return to + & – Z scores in the NF1 protocol panel and Progress Chart.

October 25, 2011 – NG 2.6.9: 1- Addition of an intra-session  Rounds control panel in NF1 & NF2; 2- Simplification to absolute Z scores for neurofeedback; and 3- Addition of Department of Defense and VA CONUS  clinical tool kit and Neural Network tabs in the Symptom Check List panel.

August 25, 2011 – NG 2.6.8: 1- Addition of real-time LORETA coherence Z scores in pairs of 88 Brodmann areas tor the LORETA Neurofeedback NF2 module; and 2- Addition of real-time LORETA phase difference Z scores in pairs of the 88 Brodmann areas in the NF2 module.

June 13, 2011 – NG 2.6.7: 1- Addition of Nexus acquisition module; 2- Addition of a Multi-Media player for Neurofeedback; 4- 50 Hz & 60 Hz notch filters for Mitsar; and 5- Playback looping of the EEG record.

March 8, 2011 – NG 2.6.6: 1- Phase shift and Phase lock duration real-time Z scores added to the Surface Neurofeedback module (NF1); 2- Addition of Mitsar acquisition module; 3- Add Deymed Marker capability; 4- changed Help > NeuroGuide Help to Help > NeuroGuide Manuals;and 5- Addition of NeuroField imports.

November 4, 2010 – NG 2.6.5: 1- Addition of Neuropsychological Disorders in the symptom check list; 2- BrainMaster DVD activation; 3- Addition of Deymed 3D Engine; 4- Addition of Trend Analysis to Z tunes; and 5- Use of the hyperbolic sine transform of absolute power and phase differences in the FFT normative database.

August 12, 2010 – NG 2.6.4: 1- Addition of a No Artifact Detected message when using the Artifact Rejection routines and no artifact is found; 2- A EEG Playback capability to allow for review of Neurofeedback procedures; 3- Changed the label Order to Sort in the stand alone Symptom Check List; and 4- Add an automatic clear all selections in the Neurofeedback settings panel when one closes the Neurofeedback module(s).

June 30, 2010 – NG 2.6.3: A new add on that is a standalone Symptom Check List and Neurofeedback protocol generator. After making artifact edit selections then click Report > Symptom Check List Protocol Generation to activate this new add on.

June 3, 2010 -NG 2.6.2: 1- LORETA Z Score Biofeedback with 98 Brodmann areas, 66 Regions of Interest, six Hagmann Modules and the Default Network (NF2); 2- Implementation of Z Tunes for Neurofeedback; 3- Increased sensitivity of the Drowsiness Pattern Recognition module; 4- Improved inter-session users controls for the neurofeedback modules; 5- Added a Both option of surface & LORETA Z scores in NF1; 6- Ability to use the Progress chart of Z scores as visual neurofeedback; and 7- Expansion of the Split-Half and Test Retest reliability windows.

February 18, 2010 – NG 2.6.1: 1- Higher priority given to Drowsiness & Eye Movement artifact so that select all will not select rejected segments; 2- NF2 is added to the 19 channel Z score biofeedback module; 3- Improved sound and progress charts in NF1; 4- Standalone acquisition and standalone NF1 modules including full edit capability; and 5- Addition of Tabs to toggle between the neurofeedback settings panel and the progress charts during EEG biofeedback.

November 5, 2009 – NG 2.6.0: 1- Scaling of the y-axis in the Neurofeedback Progress chart; 2- Addition of a real-time list of electrodes and metrics and Z scores for purposes of monitoring Z scores during 19 channel Z score biofeedback; 3- Expansion of XLTEK imports; 4- CIS and Brainmaster Visual and Auditory Displays; and 5- Addition of Neuron Spectrum to the list of EDF amplifier imports.

September 1, 2009 – NG 2.5.9: 1- Modification of EDF import so that non-EEG channels with different sample rates can be imported; 2- Addition of a Symptom Check list and QEEG Match Mismatch algorhythm in the Neurofeedback module; 3- Expansion of the number of progress charts; 4- Addition of Deymed amplifier acquisition and Neurofeedback control; and 5- Preparation for DVD/Flash 3rd party interfaces in the Neurofeedback module.

July 7, 2009 – NG 2.5.8: 1- Expansion of 19 channel Neurofeedback metrics to include real-time autospectral and cross-spectral Z scores (NF1); 2- Code preparation for Symptom Check list to be implemented in a future update; and 3- Expansion of number of sounds and better coordination of sound duration with reward intervals.

June 17, 2009 – NG 2.5.7: 1- Set the default for Automatic Eye Movement & Drowsiness Rejection level = high; 2- Set default range in the Cross-Frequency Power Spectral Correlations = -0.2 to +0.2 which is P < .05 with 60 sec. of edited data; 3- Implemented a Chebyshev lo-pass filter at 52 Hz in the Discovery acquisition module; 4- Implemented new installation software; and 5- Updated the 19 channel Z score biofeedback for surface EEG (beta test stage).

April 10, 2009 -NG 2.5.6: 1- New installation program that is more efficient and with desktop shortcuts; 2- Prioritizing eye movement artifact rejection to override automatic rejections; 3- More flexibility in defining the reference using Biosemi amplifiers; 4- First phase of implementation of 19 channel Z score biofeedback for surface EEG (NF1-beta test stage); 5- Add the ability to change the security key by clicking Help > Change Security Keys; and 6- Added c:/Program Files (x86) to the search path to launch LORETA for 64 bit computers.

February 5, 2009 – NG 2.5.5: 1- Improvements in the Discovery 24 channel acquisition system; 2- Additional Grass-Telefactor amplifier import types; and 3- Improved efficiency and speed of processing.

December 5, 2008 – NG 2.5.3 through NG 2.5.4: 1- Extend the dynamic Bi-Spectrum from 0.03 Hz to 5 Hz and includes a log-log plot option; 2- Add a Demo option to the Help menu to allow for fast change to the Demo mode; 3- The addition of the Bi-Spectral Cross-Frequency Phase Reset with improved color map controls; 4- The addition of a hi-pass filter to reduce DC shift when using complex demodulation; and 5- Improved automatic microvolt scaling of EEG imports.

July 29, 2008 – NG 2.5.2: 1- An update of the Bi-Spectral add on with the addition of the Bi-Spectral Cross-Frequency Power Correlations; 2- Renaming of the menu item Statistics to NeuroStat; 3- Renaming of Batch Analysis to NeuroBatch; and 4- Increased speed of processing.

June 12, 2008 – NG 2.4.7 – NG 2.5.1: 1- Addition of Eye Movement Artifact and Drowsiness Removal option in the Edit menu; 2- Expansion of the adult normative database by 53 subjects; 3- Max and min absolute power values colored red or blue; 4- Improved import of Nicolet native files and import of calibrated Biologic, Phoenix & NeuroVirtural EEG in EDF format; 5- Re-computation of LORETA Source Correlation norms to minimize singularities; and 6- Patient information window has a default setting to retain doctor & technician names.

March 15, 2008 – NG 2.4.6: 1- Extended the topographic color maps to 50 Hz in Report Generate.  This includes Alpha-1 (8-10 Hz), Alpha-2 (10-12 Hz), Gamma (30-40 Hz), Gamma-1 (30-35 Hz), Gamma-2 (35-40 Hz) and Hi-Gamma (40-50 Hz); 2- Extended the same topographic color maps to 50 Hz in NeuroStat; 3- Added a warning about the use of relative power to the analysis output; and 4- Added LORETA time domain Z Scores to View > LORETA Time Domain Capture.

February 20, 2008 – NG 2.4.5: 1- Mouse wheel control of the edit screen, analysis output page and montage window; 2- adjustable color intensity of edit selections; 3- separate download for the bi-spectrum and LORETA Source Correlation normative databases; and 4- Remembers selections previously used in the View menu.

December 7, 2007 – NG 2.4.4: 1- Replacement of Report menu selections with a dialog box to make selections easier; 2- added a tool bar to the Mindset acquisition module and expanded the ability to change displayed channels during acquisition; and 3- modified report output page numbers to read 01, 02 for easier file organization.

November 1, 2007 – NG 2.4.3: 1- Programming foundations for longer record lengths; and 2- Addition of Monitor option and montage setup GUI in the Mindset acquisition module.

October 18, 2007 – NG 2.4.2: 1- Addition of Z scores in the Bi-Spectral Analyses as an add on; 2- Improved speed and efficiency of processing; and 3- Improved acquisition module for the Mindset and NPQ 10/20 systems.

August 14, 2007 – NG 2.4.1: 1- Expansion of imports to NeuroBatch and generation of .ng files; 2- Improved Grass-Telefactor imports; 3- Improved frequency resolution of the Bi-Spectrum analyses; and 4- Import of BrainMaster 4 channel Mini-Q and, an amplitude/time marker is added to the dynamic JTFA.

June 26, 2007 – NG 2.4: 1- Addition of a Dynamic Bi-Spectral Analysis as an add on; 2- Expansion of FFT analyses to 50 Hz; 3- Expansion of NeuroStat to 50 Hz; 4- Edit screen mode is rearranged for easier access; and 5- An amplitude/time marker is added to the dynamic JTFA.

May 17, 2007 – NG 2.3.9: 1- Revision of the normative database to increase the age resolution; 2- Computation of normative values for the Connectivity Suite; 3- Return to the TBI discriminant function used in NG 2.3.4 and earlier versions of NeuroGuide; 4- Expansion of the list of items in the Event Table; 5- Ability to launch NeuroGuide by double clicking a .ng file; and 6- Import of BrainVision EEG files.

March 8, 2007: NG 2.3.8: 1- Spindle or Burst Metrics to measure the number of spindles per second, mean spindle duration, mean spindle amplitude and mean inter-spindle interval for different frequency bands; 2- Phase Reset metrics inside of the Connectivity Suite, i.e., No. of phase resets/sec; amplitude of phase resets, duration of phase resets, duration of phase locking intervals and average rate of change of phase for different frequency bands; and 3- Nihon Khoden EEG file imports.

January 4, 2007 – NG 2.3.7: 1- Ability to save in Lexicor, EDF and Text (ASCII) formats in addition to the NeuroGuide format; 2- Expansion of the Grass-Telefactor import capabilities; 3- A new standalone Mindset acquisition module; and 4- Improved ability to save and view non-EEG data such as EMG, EOG, HR, etc.

December 13, 2006 – NG 2.3.6: 1- LORETA save .lor after launching LORETA; 2- Automatic batch processing of LORETA .lor files and automatic reformatting of .lor files to 2,394 rows and forty 1 Hz frequency columns; 3- ability to compute and display averages of JTFA selections; and 4- update of NeuroBatch to include selection of eyes open or eyes closed normative databases.

November 2, 2006 -NG 2.3.5: 1- Improved memory allocation and speed of processing; 2- Update of the signal generator program for EEG “Spindle” simulation using the “Pulse” feature; 3- Revision of the TBI Discriminant function to include more variables and to enhance the display of relevant variables; 4- addition of correlation, cross-spectral power, co-spectral power and quad-spectral power to the connectivity suite; and 5- Linking the Save Selections and Report Options to the Connectivity Suite.

September 22, 2006 – NG 2.3.4:  1- Added a Nexus 32 channel EEG import capability, 2- Added product called the “Connection Suite”. Click Report > Connection Suite and either raw values or Z values of one of the connectivity measures and view the full 171 channel combinations for different frequency bands. Â Future updates will include Correlation, Cross-Spectral Amplitude and Bi-Spectral analyses.

September 1, 2006 – NG 2.3.3: Added improved speed of processing and better memory paging; and 2- Improved BrainMaster Mini-Q safeguards so that coherence, phase and amplitude asymmetry are only computed for simultaneously acquired data.

August 3, 2006 – NG 2.3.2: 1-Added a time domain LORETA tool for the evaluation of EEG events such as theta, alpha or beta bursts; and 2- Added epileptic events such as spike & waves in the EEG tracings. This tool further links conventional EEG to qEEG by providing a simple and rapid 3-dimensional NeuroImaging of the sources of surface EEG electrical events.

July 6, 2006 – NG 2.3.1: 1- Added of color topographic maps to NeuroStat group statistics for absolute differences and percentage differences; and 2- Added the scaling of topographic maps inside of NeuroStat are now controlled by the Report Option function when one clicks Report > Report Options. This function allows one to change the type of color scaling in the NeuroStat maps the same as for the maps produced by Report Generate.

June 28, 2006 – NG 2.3:  Expanded the Event Marker capabilities. A variety of events can be marked and later sorted using the Event Marker Table. Events can be sorted by type or time and each event can be quickly located by double clicking the event in the event marker table.

June 13, 2006 – NG 2.2.9: 1- Expands the number of standard EEG channels to 85 based on the standard 10/20 and 10/10 system of electrode placement with the ability to import 128 channels of EEG upon request; 2- Added a vertical wiper to facilitate visual review of EEG traces with 85 to 128 channels; 3- Includes pause and continue menu items in the Mindset 24 channel EEG acquisition mode; and 4- Includes “Event Markers” with expanded capacity to be added in a future release.

May 16, 2006 – NG 2.2.8: 1- Added splice correction to the print function when one prints edited selections of EEG; 2- Selection of polarity positive up or down will now also control the wave polarity when printing the EEG traces; 3- Mindset EEG acquisition bug fix involving the winaspi32.dll; and 4- Added import capability for ManScan EEG files.

April 27, 2006 – NG 2.2.7: 1- Added absolute amplitude (i.e., uV); 2- Added automatic save of the eyes closed or eyes open selection in the subject information window; 3- Added a Mindset24 channel EEG Acquisition ability – a $500 add on for Mindset users. EEG acquisition inside of NeuroGuide involves a single mouse click and simplifies and integrates acquisition and report writing and, finally, a modification of the eyes closed vs. eyes open message in the subject information window.

February 24, 2006 – NG 2.2.6: 1- Added an import capacity for ANT (Advanced Neurosciences Technology) and Human Bionics EEG, 2- Modified the Subject Information window where eyes closed and eyes open conditions are specified to access the correct normative databases, 3- Added square waves, sawtooth waves and pulse simulations in the Signal Generation program, 4-  Expansion of JTFA capabilities including exporting and viewing of JTFA time series, 5-Added first and second derivatives of the EEG time series, 6- Added first and second derivatives in the JTFA complex demodulation and implementation of Phase Reset (i.e., 1st derivative of instantaneous phase), and 7- Expansion of the number of scalp EEG channels to 45.

December 22, 2005: NG 2.2.5 Adds an update for the import of BrainMaster 2.0 EEG files for both the standard 1 or 2 channel recordings and the Mini-Q with 256 Hz sample rates. Also, Nicolet native formatted EEG files can be imported into NeuroGuide. This includes the Nicolet Bravo Intuition, Nicolet AllianceWorks, Nicolet UltraSom NT and Nicolet BMSI-6000.

December 15, 2005: NG 2.2.4 adds instantaneous coherence phase JTFA color maps that change as one drags the mouse over the EEG tracings. Click View > Dynamic JTFA > Coherence or Phase and then select Color Maps to view the topographic maps. Instantaneous Z scores can also be viewed in dynamic topographic color maps. In addition, a JTFA edit option is added in which one can include or exclude EEG features that meet specific criteria, e.g., instances where there is greater than 2 st. dev. of theta activity in F4, etc.

October 28, 2005: NG 2.2.2 adds dynamic JTFA color maps that instantly change as one drags the mouse over the EEG tracings. Click View > Dynamic JTFA > Absolute Power and then select Color Maps to view the topographic maps. Instantaneous Z scores can also be viewed in dynamic topographic color maps.

October 4-5, 2005: NG 2.2.1 includes a Time Domain normative database and display Click View > Time-Frequency Analysis to activate this new feature. Position the mouse over the EEG tracings and depress the left mouse button to observe the instantaneous power values and the instantaneous Z scores.

September 6, 2005: NG 2.1.9 streamlines and customizes the Report Generator by the addition of the ability to save and load report selections. The Report itself also includes more options than it did previously which provides better control over the report.

August 29, 2005: NG 2.1.8 is the same as NG 2.1.7 but with added import capability for Grass-Telefactor, BrainScope and Cadwell Spectrum-32 EEG data files. NeuroBatch was upgraded to automatically process Cadwell Spectrum-32 EEG data files including multiple EEG session recordings.

July 22, 2005: NG 2.1.7 is identical to NG 2.1.6 except that the preliminary video monitor code has been removed because of installation problems that occurred with NG 2.1.6 on some computers. A refined and final Video module will be included in a future update.

July 12, 2005: The update in NG 2.1.6 is restoration of coherence, amplitude asymmetry and phase defaults in Report Generate. Otherwise NG 2.1.6 is identical to NG 2.1.5.

July 1, 2005: The updates in NG 2.1.5 are: Calculation of weighted mean frequency for different frequency bands (see NeuroGuide Help > Appendix B), and a normative database with Z scores of weighted mean frequency from 2 months to 82 years of age for each frequency band; 2- change in the default settings to reduce the memory load after clicking Generate Report; 3- default polarity of traces is positive down to be consistent with conventional EEG preferences; and 4- a bug fix in the import of text or ASCII data.

June 21, 2005: The update in NG 2.1.4 is the addition of bipolar normative databases and normative databases for all possible common reference montages based on the International 10/20 system of electrode placement.

June 16, 2005: The update in NG 2.1.3 is a bug fix of NG 2.1.2 which prevented importing Mindset 24 channel EEG files. Otherwise NG 2.1.3 is identical to NG 2.1.2.

June 1, 2005: Expansion of the Bipolar Montage capability of NeuroGuide to 128 possible bipolar combinations. This means that there are no restrictions for the creation of bipolar montages. Longitudinal (Banana), Transverse, Circular and Mixed Longitudinal and Transverse montages are included among the standard montages in the NeuroGuide Montage window that can be accessed by a mouse click. All other features of NeuroGuide are the same.

May 19, 2005: NeuroGuide 2.1.1 Added: 1- Expansion from 30 Hz to 40 Hz for all raw data analyses, including LORETA current density and LORETA Source Correlations. Normative Z scores will remain limited to 30 Hz; 2- Added a 3-dimensional color contour map for raw LORETA source correlations (LSC) and the LORETA source correlation normative database; and 3- Changed the default for JTFA of Number of Terms = 1. This change makes it easier to learn JTFA. For example, reduced residual values as one adds additional Gabor Atoms to the JTFA calculation. All other features of NeuroGuide are the same.

April 14, 2005: NeuroGuide 2.1 Added: 1- LORETA normative source correlation (NSC) database using normal subjects from 6 months of age to 82 years of age. The NSC norms involve the correlation between 46 different regions of interest (ROIs). The skewness, kurtosis and cross-validation accuracies of the normative database are shown in the NeuroGuide Help (see Appendix G). The NSC is an add on product; and 2- Enhancement of the Joint-Time-Frequency-Analysis (JTFA) in which users can deconstruct and reconstruct an EEG time series by selecting and deselecting Gabor Atoms. All other features of NeuroGuide are the same.

March 2, 2005: NeuroGuide 2.0.9 Added: 1- the ability to save calibration settings in the Signal Generation program; and 2- added the option of computing a square root transform of LORETA squared current source vectors.

February 10, 2005: NeuroGuide 2.0.7 Added: 1- LORETA 3-Dimensional Source Correlation; and 2- Changes in the NeuroGuide menu options in which Analysis was changed to Tools and Dynamic FFT was moved from the Edit menu to the View menu. All other features are the same. The LORETA Source Correlations allow one to measure the coupling between 3-D brain regions (ROIs) and the rest of the brain. For example, was the anterior cingulate gyrus positively or negatively correlated with the right parietal lobe? or with the hippocampus?, etc. Users can select regions of interest by anatomical name or by Brodmann Area as well as ROIs located in the left hemisphere, right hemisphere or both hemispheres.

January 31, 2005: NeuroGuide 2.0.6 Added: 1- JTFA absolute values, arrow keys and page up and page down controls and added cursor crosshairs to identify time and frequency; and 2- improvements in the aesthetics of the NeuroGuide edit window.

January 21, 2005: NeuroGuide 2.0.5 Added: 1- Joint-Time-Frequency-Analysis using the Adaptive Gabor Transform, also called Matching Pursuit. To activate JTFA click Analysis > Joint Time Frequency Analysis. See the NeuroGuide manual at Help > NeuroGuide Help for a brief description of this new tool. JTFA is used to dissect and explore the fine details of EEG dynamics. The frequency range of JTFA is 0 to 40 Hz; and 2- changed the appearance of the NeuroGuide edit screen to make the edit screen a little more aesthetic and simpler.

December 8, 2004: NeuroGuide 2.0.3 Added: 1- Flexible scaling of raw EEG topographic color maps with options such as Global Scaling, Individual Map Scaling and Manual Global Scaling. This option provides a lot of flexibility to emphasize different frequency distributions using different topographic colors; 2- Z Score color preferences and color schemes. This includes eight different color schemes to choose from for the Z score topographic maps; and 3- A summary page 3 of 5 columns and 5 rows of summary Z score topographic maps in the Analysis Output window, similar to NxLink which was a feature that was ranked high by users of NeuroGuide. Click Report > Preferences in order to change the color scheme and Z score ranges.

November 17, 2004: NeuroGuide 2.0.2 Added: 1- Eye (EOG) and heartbeat (EKG) imports using DeyMed amplifiers; and 2- Double click an EEG electrode lead and then a single EEG trace will be displayed. This change is in preparation of Joint-Time-Frequency-Analysis (JTFA) and Bi-Spectral Analysis.

November 9, 2004: NeuroGuide 2.0.1 Added: 1- NeuroBatch has been expanded for automatic processing of LORETA individual analysis files; 2- A right mouse click on a channel label produces a Brodmann Area hypothesis for planned comparison statistics before launching LORETA; 3- Addition of SynAmps 16 bit and 32 bit EEG imports; and 4- A change in the View menu to create the category of Edit Screen Options.

October 26, 2004: NeuroGuide Version 2.0: 1- LORETA statistics including individual and group paired t-tests, independent t-tests, ANOVA, descriptive statistics, options to display probabilities or t values; 2- added discriminant and Brain Performance Index values in the tab delimited output file; 3- added NeuroPrax native file format; and 4- added connection map page to the Brain Performance Index.

September 10, 2004: NeuroGuide 1.8.1: 1- Page numbers are included in all of the bitmaps; 2- A header is placed at the top of the last page of the 1 Hz maps and there is a more logical ordering of the 1 Hz maps on two pages (1 Hz to 20 Hz on page 1 and 21 to 30 Hz on page 2). In the future as part of the subscription service an upgrade will be an expanded NeuroGuide to 40 Hz for raw values and then the last page of topographic maps will be filled up; 3- The Gamma band (25 – 30 Hz) is renamed to Hi-Beta (Gamma will be used to designate 30 – 40 Hz in the future); 4- improved stability and speed by reprogramming certain modules; 5- BrainMaster Mini-Q imports are improved; and 6- The Brain Performance Index has been recomputed and upgraded.

June 9, 2004: NeuroGuide 1.7.9: Added discriminant and Brain Performance Index values in the tab delimited output file, included LORETA Z scores in the demo, removed average reference and current source density Z scores for coherence and phase.

April 21, 2004: NeuroGuide 1.7.7: Addition of a group paired t-test in NeuroStat, test re-test reliability average and individual channel values on page two of the analysis output, re-scaling of the absolute amplitude based on calibration measurements, revisiting of the Key Inst. equations to be certain that the equations are implemented correctly, recomputation of the normative databases based on absolute amplitude scaling changes and change the Save and Export feature in which File > Save As > NeuroGuide (*.ng) is the only option and File Open > Export > Lexicor and/or ASCII formats with and without adjustments for baseline and filtering to minimize splicing effects.

March 4, 2004: NeuroGuide 1.7.4 Retains previous features and adds: 1- A Topographic Color preference option in Report > Preferences. This option allows users more flexibility in the scaling of Z scores and the range of normal values, etc. A description is in the NeuroGuide Help; 2- The Brain Performance index now includes a Histogram of predicted neuropsychological test scores and the correct label of Scaled Scores; and 3- The 171 connection maps for coherence, phase and amplitude asymmetry are added. The previous, anatomically linked 16 channel coherence and phase maps are retained. Numeric tab delimited data for the 171 combinations is available in the NeuroGuide Analysis window by clicking File > Save > Tab delimited.

February 19, 2004: NeuroGuide 1.7.3 Adds: 1- The Brain Performance Index (BPI) is now available as an add on. 2- The color maps are returned to + and 3- St. Dev. as we develop a more flexible color table GUI that should be ready in a week or two.

February 14, 2004: NeuroGuide 1.7.2: Retains previous features of NG 1.7.1 but includes two updates:1- Z Score color maps now range from + 4 St. Deviations to – 4 St. deviations. The range from + and – 2 St. Deviations is colored green in order to highlight statistically significant deviations that are greater than or less than 2 St. deviations. 2- A significant improvement in processing speed. The cross-spectral matrices are computed about 3 times faster than before.

February 5, 2004: NeuroGuide 1.7.1: Retains previous features with a revision of the Learning Disabilities Discriminant Function (NG 1.4.4). The revision involves recomputing the discriminant function using a broader range of spectral measures than the first version. The cross-validation accuracy is about 85% but the discriminant is more stable than the first release and directly linked to the severity index. Added import of Nicolet EEG as text files.

January 29, 2004: NeuroGuide 1.7.0: LORETA normative Z scores are implemented for eyes closed and eyes open conditions and for linked ears and average reference montages from 1 to 30 Hz in 1 Hz increments. Time domain exports to LORETA are retained so that direct time to frequency comparisons can be made using the same edited data or signal generation sine waves. Dynamic Test Re-Test reliability measures (ratio of variance of 1st half of edits to the 2nd half of the edits) are now in the edit screen so that the changes in brain state such as drowsiness is easier to detect and to quantify. NeuroNavigator Lexicor formatted files are now calibrated with microvolt calibration signals and equated to the NeuroGuide normative database amplifiers. The NeuroGuide manuals are now integrated inside of NeuroGuide under the Help menu option.

December 30, 2003: NeuroGuide 1.6.9: Includes the ability to launch the Key Institute LORETA Viewer from the NeuroGuide edit window with a single mouse click. The cross-spectrum is computed from the edited EEG samples in linked ears or average reference and the 2,394 current densities are computed in NeuroGuide using the Key Institute equations and seamlessly imported into the LORETA Viewer.

December 25, 2003: NeuroGuide 1.6.8: The implementation of Eyes Open norms for EEG coherence, EEG phase and EEG amplitude asymmetry. The implementation of norms for Average Reference and Laplacian EEG coherence, EEG phase and EEG amplitude asymmetry for both eyes open and Eyes Closed conditions. The exclusive use of the FFT cross-spectrum and not complex demodulation. The reason for the replacement of complex demodulation by the FFT is because of the need for faster computations and because of the greater flexibility of the FFT in comparison to complex demodulation. XLTEK native file imports are now available.

December 1, 2003: NeuroGuide 1.6.6 – 1.6.7: Includes NeuroBatch 1.0 (NB 1.0) and group statistics using NeuroStat 1.2. (NS 1.2). NS 1.2 includes text output and color topographic maps of standard deviations and means and t-tests between group means and standard deviations. NeuroBatch provides for automatic processing of hundreds of edited EEG files in batch mode including color topographic maps and tab delimited data for each subject and each group of subjects. LORETA exports are still as digital time series but now in Lexicor format with increased speed of processing and better organization of the menu options.

September 12, 2003: NeuroGuide 1.6.0 – 1.6.5: Option for color EEG tracings that match the dynamic FFT and Z score displays, improved cubic spline color maps, access to workshop EEG exemplars (limited to workshop participants), development and integration of NeuroStat 1.0 – 1.1 (add on product. BESA and Mindset-24 EEG import capability and changes in the FFT processing procedures in which data are high pass filtered at 1.0 Hz (5th order Butterworth which is 6 db down at 0.5 Hz) and better amplifier matching of different EEG machines by computing relative power from 1.0 Hz to 30.5 Hz in 0.5 Hz frequency resolution. Signal Generator is included for mouse click aids for the education of students in digital signal processing as well as in validation procedures in general (i.e., phase delays, coherence, frequency, amplitude and time).

February 21, 2003: NeuroGuide 1.5.0 – 1.5.9: Multiple windows with dynamic linkage between color topographic maps and the NeuroGuide EEG editor, Mitsar imports, new LORETA export formats, improved Cadwell EEG imports and ability to read and export Lexicor edits, imports of EDF and BDF file format.

December 12, 2002: NeuroGuide 1.4.9: DeyMed amplifier equilibration when using the Text or ASCII import tool. The NeuroGuide Logo identifies the NeuroGuide formatted output files. LORETA default Montages in the correct electrode order for linked ears and average reference which can be obtained by a mouse click in the Montage window. Export in the File>Export menu in which ASCII files can be saved with or without a header.

November 22, 2002: NeuroGuide 1.4.8: Corrected blue-red color reversal problem with 1.4.7 and implemented a smarter color matching routine so that users can now use any bit size for their Display Settings. 16 bit settings increase the speed and reduce memory loading with no noticeable change in color quality. Cadwell Easy I & II file import and the other improvements in 1.4.7 are retained.

November 18, 2002: NeuroGuide 1.4.7: 1- It is about 40% to 60% faster in the report generate program, depending on your computer; 2- It imports Cadwell Easy I & II files and 3- The print routine is faster and compatible with more printers than previously.

October 20, 2002: NeuroGuide 1.4.6 1- Added a clipboard capture option; 2- improved the ASCII import window of text files to automatically look for Tab, Comma & Space Delimiters and not to crash when an import error occurs; 3- FFT Power Spectral Density (PSD) to define microvolts as uv^2/Hz and setting Z = 0 at 0 Hz; and 5- added a second page to the report generator of “Technical Details that include the epoch length, recording condition and average and individual channel reliabilities.

September 19, 2002: NeuroGuide 1.4.5 included the addition of ASCII import capability and Lexicor and NeuroGuide export formats, saving of the raw and Z score FFT values in tab delimited format and improved printing capability.

August 20, 2002: NeuroGuide 1.4.0 – 1.4.4 Added connection maps and expansion of the ratios to the high beta frequency band (25 Hz to 30 Hz) and discriminant functions. The TBI and LD discriminant functions and severity indexes were added. A different Lexicor Demo example was selected to help illustrate TBI vs. Learning Disabilities/ADD.

June 8, 2002: NeuroGuide 1.3.0 Included color topographic maps and connection maps and more import file formats and more export file formats and LORETA export with improved processing speed.

March 26, 2002: NeuroGuide 1.2 was the first NeuroGuide to be distributed as a research tool and it was the first to use uninstall/install windows setup files. It added page up, page down, home, end and arrow keys as well as mouse changes in editing. It lacked color topographic maps and add-ons like discriminant functions and connection maps.

January – March 2002: Beta testing. The central and binding idea of NeuroGuide 1.0 is conventional EEG and QEEG on the same screen at the same time in which QEEG is a lens that can be changed by a click of a mouse. NeuroGuide 1.0 contained all the eyes open and eyes closed normative databases, re-montaging and automatic artifacting, dynamic Z score edits, ascii export, EEG printout, Lexicor, NeuroData, Mindset, CapScan and BrainMaster imports using calibrated sine waves as used today but it was not sold or distributed, and we thank all of those who beta tested NeuroGuide to help make it accurate, sensitive and reliable.