Scientific Articles

A Must Read… Handbook of QEEG and EEG Biofeedback

1 –  Quantitative EEG and the Frye and Daubert Standards of Admissibility

2 –  EEG Discriminant Analyses of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

3 –  QEEG and Traumatic Brain Injury Present and Future

4 –  Conventional and Quantitative EEG in Psychiatry

5 –  Sensitivity and Specificity of Normative EEG Databases: Validation and Clinical Correlation 

6 –  An EEG Severity Index of Traumatic Brain Injury

7 –  Biophysical Linkage Between MRI and EEG Amplitude in Closed Head Injury

8 –  Biophysical Linkage Between MRI and EEG Coherence in Closed Head Injury  

9 –  Estimation of the EEG power spectrum using MRI T2 Relation Time in Traumatic Brain Injury

10 –  Electroencephalography and Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

11 –  Comprehensive Predictions of Outcome in Closed Head Injury Patients

12-  Quantitative MRI of the Gray-White Matter Distribution in Traumatic Brain Injury

13 –  QEEG & TBI: Rebuttal of American Academy of Neurology 1997 position paper

14 –  Neural Coherence and the Content of Consciousness

15 –  Evoked Potential Correlates of Semantic Information Processing in Normals & Aphasics

16 –  EEG and Intelligence:  Relations Between EEG Coherence, EEG Phase Delay and Power

17 –  EEG Discriminant Analyses of Children with Learning Disabilities

18 –  Frequency Domain Equivalence Between Potentials and Currents using LORETA

19 –  Parametric vs. Non-Parametric Statistics of Low Resolution Electromagnetic Tomography 

20 –  Evaluation and Validity of a LORETA Normative EEG Database

21 – Localization Accuracy and Validation of Inverse Solutions Including LORETA 

22 –  A Psychopathology of Frontal Lobe Damage: Early Childhood Consequences

23 –  A Predator-Prey Model of Human Cerebral Development

24 – EEG Coherence and Phase Delays: Comparisons Between Single Reference, Average Reference and Current Source Density

25 – Intelligence and EEG current density using low resolution electromagnetic tomography (LORETA) 

26 – Insula – What you feel and consciousness 

27 – Reset of human neocortical oscillations during a working memory task

28 –  An oscillatory short-term memory buffer model can account for data on the Sternberg task

29 –  From synchronous neural discharges to subjective awareness?

30 –  Interactions Between Membrane Conductances Underlying the Genesis of the EEG

31 –  The value of quantitative electroencephalography in clinical psychiatry

32 –  Human Neural Network Dynamics using Multimodal Registration of EEG, PET & MRI

33 –  Spatial-Temporal Current Source Correlations and Cortical Connectivity 

34 –  Development of Cortical Connectivity using EEG Coherence and Phase

35 –  Self-Organized Criticality and the Development of EEG Phase Reset

36 –  History of the Scientific Standards of QEEG Normative Databases

37 –  Z Score EEG Biofeedback: Technical Foundations

38 – What does phase information of oscillatory brain activity tell us about cognitive processes?

39 –  Intelligence and EEG Phase Reset: A Two-Compartmental Model of Phase Shift and Lock

40 –  Mapping the Structural Core of the Human Cerebral Cortex 

41 –  The Maturing Architecture of the Brain’s Default Network 

42 –  A Default Mode of Brain Function: An Evolving Idea 

43 –  A Phase Synchrony among Neuronal Oscillations in the Human Cortex

44 –  The fMRI Signal, Slow Cortical Potentials and Consciousness

45 –  Autism and EEG Phase Reset: Deficient GABA Mediated Inhibition in Thalamo-Cortical    Connections

46 –  Hippocampus as Comparator: Role of the  Two Input and Two Output Systems of the Hippocampus in Selection   and Registration of Information

47 –  EEG Phase Reset due to Auditory Attention: An Inverse Time Scale Approach 

48-  Diffusion Tensor Imaging ‘Modules’ Correlated with LORETA Neuroimaging ‘Modules’ 

49- LORETA Peer Reviewed Articles Total = 795 (as of 10/2009)

50 – Validity and Reliability of Quantitative Electroencephalography (qEEG)

51 – Coherence, Phase Differences, Phase Shift and Phase Lock in EEG/ERP Analyses

52 – Mathematics of Magnetic Resonance Electroencepholagraphy (MRE)

53 – Corticocortical Associations and EEG Coherence: A Two Compartmental Model

54 – Neuropsychiatry and qEEG in the 21st Century

55 – LORETA Z Score Biofeedback

56 – NeuroLeadership Discriminant Functions

57 – LORETA and Traumatic Brain Injury

58 – LORETA 3-Dimensional Phase Reset Between Default Network Brodmann Areas

59 – Functional Neuroscience: Foundations of Cognition – R.W. Thatcher & E. Roy John

60 – 30 Years of Accepted Science of the NeuroGuide Normative Databases

61 – Neural Network Injury Index for Concussion Evaluation

62 – Intelligence and EEG Measures of Information Flow: Efficiency and Homeostatic Neuroplasticity

63 – swLORETA – Ernesto Palmero-Soler’s Dissertation

64 – Functional Landscapes of the Brain

65 – Brain Optimization Index

66 – Z Score Neurofeedback Publications

67 – Thatcher – Nonlinear Dynamics & Chaos Theory

68 – Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM)

69 – Cerebellum and Autism Spectrum Disorder

70 – Neurofeedback’s First 50 Years: My Story

71 – Z-Score EEG Biofeedback: Past, Present and Future

72 –Brain Screening:  A Priority Based on Current Functional Brain Mapping Advances

73 – Tutorial on Adulteration of Phase Relations when using ICA

74 – ICA “Artifact Correction” Distorts EEG Phase in Artifact Free Segments

75 –  New Advances in Electrical Neuoimaging and Neurofeedback

76 –  Cyclic Cortical Reorganization during Early Childhood

77 –  Psychopathology of early frontal lobe damage: Dependence on cycles of development

78 –  Human Cerebral Hemispheres Develop at Different Rates and Ages

79 – Seizure disorders: Types and Causes

80 –  EEG and Brain Connectivity: A Tutorial (7/28/04 to 12/27/09)