Yes, by the use of the add on product called NeuroStat, one can easily compute absolute differences and percent differences with topographic color maps and tab delimited outputs that are ready for publication. NeuroStat also computes repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) and paired t-tests as well as correlations and R square (percent variance accounted for) in a format that is ready for publication. NeuroStat will compute eyes open vs. eyes closed difference Z scores including 1 Hz topographic color maps and tab delimited output.
Automatic analysis and Group comparisons of hundreds of subjects are accomplished by the add-on program called NeuroBatch which allows users to create NeuroGuide™ output files in batch mode as well as group means and standard deviations which can be imported into NeuroStat to compute 1 Hz topographic color maps and tab delimited ascii output. LORETA individual statistics and LORETA group statistics are also computed. One year of free updates of NeuroBatch and NeuroStat are included with all purchases.