Attend the 1-Day AFB-NeuroGuide Workshop via Zoom


View the August 12th, 2023 ABF Behavioral Health Clinical Workshop for NeuroGuide via Zoom Presented by William A. Lambos, Ph.D.   After you attend the workshop you will receive a 10% discount on NeuroGuide and NeuroGuide Add-ons (Hardware, Bundled Items, Per Use, & Subscription Products excluded).

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Attend the Virtual 1-Day ABF Behavioral Health
Clinical Workshop for NeuroGuide via Zoom

Presented by William A. Lambos, Ph.D, BCN

Date:  August 12th, 2023

Time: 9:00 am to 6 pm EDT (-4 UTC).

Make sure to test Zoom on your Computer before the workshop.

Last Day to Sign Up to Attend the Workshop via Zoom is August 9th, 2023.

ABF Virtual Workshops will be limited to no more than 10 attendees per workshop date.

The workshops will include:

Date Description
Aug. 12, 2023
  • The data from the assessments, qEEG recordings and interpretations from former ABF clients.
  • Show how presenting symptoms are linked to dysregulations in client brain functioning,
  • Reveal the creation of EEG biofeedback treatment protocols, and the outcomes of a representative sample of said clients.
  • Demonstrate the use of nearly every aspect of NeuroGuide and the NeuroNavigator software modules.
  • Last 2 or so hours will be spent offering to review any .ng files that the attendees may make available from their own clients and cases (for those attendees who already use NeuroGuide but seek to learn how to use it more effectively)

After you have attended via Zoom you receive a 10% discount on NeuroGuide and NeuroGuide Add-ons (Hardware, ElectroCap Systems, Bundled Items, Per Use & Subscription Products excluded). The 10% Promotional Code will be good for 30 days after the Workshop ends.

If the 6 attendee minimum is not reached within 48 hours of the the scheduled workshop date, ABF will work with ANI staff to reschedule the workshop until such time as the 6 person
minimum is reached. For those attendees who do not wish to reschedule, their workshop fee will be refunded

Registered ABF Virtual Workshop attendees who miss the workshop (“no-shows”) will not be offered refunds. However, for a $50 fee you will be allowed to reschedule to attend a future
ABF Virtual Workshop up to two times. Should you also miss these workshops, your workshop fee will be retained by ABF and will become nonrefundable in its entirety. Thereafter, attending a future ABF Virtual Workshop (for such serial “no-showers”) will require a new $795 payment in full.

For more information you can:


Email Us at [email protected]

Use the PureChat Options at the bottom of each webpage.

Call: 727-657-4349 or 727-804-3596

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