Add the NeuroNavigator Diffusion Tensor Imaging (NNDTI) addon to view the DTI overlay(s) of the raw values or z-scores of the connectivity data of the NeuroNavigator. It is also possible to view the direction of the fibers in the NeuroNavigator, the Real-Time NeuroNavigator and the NeuroNavigator Time Domain Capture. Must First Purchase NeuroNavigator (NN) and the swLORETA Current Source Density Normative Database (NNZ) and swLORETA Functional Connectivity Normative Database (NNF) and/or swLORETA Information Flow Normative Database (NNI) add-ons to NeuroGuide™ to use NNDTI.
NeuroNavigator’s Diffusion Tensor Imaging Overlay
Diffusion Tensor Imaging Overlay for the NeuroNavigator
Use the NeuroNavigator Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) add-on to add a DTI overlay on the connectivity data of the NeuroNavigator. With this option it is possible to view the raw values or the deviation from norm of either the functional connectivity of the magnitude of the information flow, in the form of z-scores. It is also possible to view the direction of the fibers. Purchasing this option will make it available to the Real Time NeuroNavigator, and the NeuroNavigator Time Domain Capture. Must First Purchase NeuroNavigator and the swLORETA Current Source Density Normative Database and swLORETA Functional Connectivity Normative Database and/or swLORETA Information Flow Normative Database add-ons to NeuroGuide™.
NeuroNavigator Options Include Raw Scores and Z Scores for Current Source Density, Functional Connectivity and Effective Connectivity, Plus Diffusion Tensor Imaging:
- 12,270 Voxels of Raw Current Density + Navigation Tools = NN
- Advanced Navigation Tools include a “Cutting Tool” and “Coronal, Sagittal and Axial Slicing Tools
- Brodmann Area Outlines and Coordinates
- Superimposed Scalp Electrical Potentials
- Transparency Adjustments to Simultaneously View the Scalp Surface EEG Potentials and the Underlying Cortical Sources
- A Symptom Checklist and Networks Linked to Symptoms
- Neurofeedback Protocols
- Raw Current Density and Z Scores from the Life span Normative Database (Birth to 82 years) – Must purchase NN & NNZ
- Functional Connectivity (Coherence and Phase Difference) – Must purchase NN & NNZ first
- Effective Connectivity (Magnitude of Information Flow) – Must purchase NN & NNZ first
- Integration of Diffusion Tensor Imaging (NNDTI) – Must purchase NN & NNZ, Plus Functional Connectivity (NNF) and/or Effective Connectivity (NNI) first
- FREE Real-Time NeuroNavigator*
- FREE NeuroNavigator Time Domain Capture*
* NNZ, NNF, NNI and NNDTI options will only work with the Real-Time NeuroNavigator & the NeuroNavigator Time Domain Capture, if and when you have purchased the add-on(s) as indicated below
How to Purchase the NeuroNavigator Options so you can view All the DTI Bundles and Z Score Connectivity of the Bundles Selected with the NeuroNavigator DTI Addon and What You Receive for Your Investment:
NN + NNZ + NNF + NNDTI = NeuroNavigator + Real-Time Navigator† + NeuroNavigator Time Domain Capture† with Raw & CSD Z Scores + Functional Connectivity Z Scores + Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI)
NN + NNZ + NNI + NNDTI = NeuroNavigator + Real-Time Navigator† + NeuroNavigator Time Domain Capture† with Raw & CSD Z Scores + Effective Connectivity Z Scores + DTI
NN + NNZ + NNF + NNI + NNDTI = NeuroNavigator + Real-Time Navigator† + NeuroNavigator Time Domain Capture† with Raw & CSD Z Scores + Functional & Effective Connectivity Z Scores + DTI
† Real Time Z Scores for CSD, Functional Connectivity & Effective Connectivity will be available in future releases.
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