Handbook of QEEG and EEG Biofeedback eBook


The e-Book is a “Living” book with 425 figures and tables, including over 275 pages of hands on tutorials. It is a “living” e-Book because it will be updated periodically. The e-Book is organized for beginners and has hyperlinks to allow readers to jump from simple to more complex topics and from the background to the tutorials and from tutorials to scientific detail with a few mouse clicks.


Handbook of Quantitative Electroencephalography
and EEG Biofeedback, Third Edition

by Robert W. Thatcher, Ph.D.

Science of QEEG and EEG Biofeedback with Tutorials
Purchase  the “Living” e-Book
e-Book ISBN: 978-0-9854692-1-4

The e-Book is a “Living” book with 425 figures and tables, including over 275 pages of hands on tutorials. It is a “living” e-Book because it will be updated periodically. The e-Book is organized for beginners and has hyperlinks to allow readers to jump from simple to more complex topics and from the background to the tutorials and from tutorials to scientific detail with a few mouse clicks. The goal is to use history, science and hands on tutorials to educate and train students and clinicians. The e-Book explains how to link Symptoms to Functional Networks and then how to design EEG Biofeedback protocols to modify unstable network hubs and modules.

Emphasis is on QEEG Assessment followed by treatment. Preparation for Certification in QEEG and EEG Biofeedback. Hyperlinks allow readers to jump from simple to more complex topics and from the background to the tutorials and from tutorials to scientific detail with a few mouse clicks.

Tutorials are 281 pages of step by step instruction in QEEG. Download the free Demo qEEG software and follow step by step tutorials to learn QEEG methods and learn how to assess patients with epilepsy, traumatic brain injury and other disorders. Follow the case studies for preparation for Certification in QEEG and EEG.

Download the Free qEEG Demo Program to Step through the e-Book Tutorials

The goal is to link symptoms to functional hubs and modules in the brain. The genesis of EEG and the dynamics of EEG are explained with respect to the anatomy of the brain.

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