Attend the 2-Day NeuroGuide Workshop via TeamViewer Meeting in September


View the September 10th & 11th, 2022 NeuroGuide Workshop via TeamViewer Meeting.   Receive 3 Free Automatic Clinical Reports + 3 Free Brain Optimization Index Uses+ 10 NeuroLink Pro Assessments (Total Value of $310), after you attend the workshop.  Also, receive a 25% discount on NeuroGuide and NeuroGuide Add-ons (the Handbook of QEEG and EEG Biofeedback, Bundled Items, Per Use & Subscription Products excluded). BCIA Continuing Education Credits are Not Available.  Viewing Access is Limited so Click the Add to Cart today to Reserve your access.

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Attend the 2-Day NeuroGuide Workshop: Clinical
Applications of the EEG via TeamViewer Meeting
Conducted by Robert Thatcher, Ph.D.

September 10th & 11th, 2022

BCIA Continuing Education Credits are Not Available. We can provide a Certificate of Completion upon request.

Training will start each morning at 9:00 am EST.

Make sure to install and test TeamViewer on your Computer before the workshop.

Last Day to Sign Up to Attend the Workshop via TeamViewer is Sept. 8, 2022.

The workshops will include:

Day Date Time Description
1 Sept. 10, 2022 9 am
5 pm
A Practical Hands on Approach: How to go from Clinical History to EEG Acquisition to QEEG Analysis (including swLORETA NeuroNavigator). Learn about the Automatic Clinical Report Writer, NeuroNavigator, Cross-Frequency Neurofeedback and our New Add-ons NaviStat and the swLORETA Phase Reset (Phase Shift & Phase Lock Databases for the NeuroNavigator). Also learn about NeuroLink Pro and the smartphone app- NeuroLinkQ. 
2 Sept. 11, 2022 9 am
5 pm
Review of patient’s EEG data and Hands on from EEG recording to Assessment to Z Score Biofeedback in a Single Session. Learn  about swLORETA Functional & Effective Connectivity, DTI Overlays for the NeuroNavigator and Event Related Potentials. Demonstration of Surface, sLORETA Neurofeedback, swLORETA Neurofeedback and BrainSurfer.

You will be enriched and empowered with practical experiences – minimal theory and maximal hands on is the design!

The cost includes: 3 free Automatic Clinical Reports (ACRs) + 3 Free Brain Optimization Index (BOIs) Uses + 10 NeuroLink Pro Assessments (Total Value of $310) after you have attended via TeamViewer both days. Also, receive a 25% discount on NeuroGuide and NeuroGuide Add-ons (the Handbook of QEEG and EEG Biofeedback, Bundled Items, Per Use & Subscription Products excluded).

For more information you can:


Email Us at [email protected]

Use the PureChat Options at the bottom of each webpage.

Call: 727-434-5748  or 727-244-0240

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