Discriminant Functions


Learning Disabilities (LD) and mild Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) discriminant functions.*


Discriminant Functions*

Pattern recognition programs to provide a probability of the detection of a pattern in the EEG that is commonly present in patients with a history of Mild Traumatic Brain Injured (University of Maryland publication) and the Department of Defense Discriminant Function and patients with a history of Learning Disability.

* Please note that only EEG recorded using a Linked Ears reference is to be used with the discriminant functions. Some amplifier systems such as the Nicolet and Neuroscan/NuAmp/Synamp amplifiers and the Wearable Sensing Dry Headset are not to be used to evaluate discriminant functions. The LD Discriminant function is limited to individuals with a history of learning disabilities.  The mTBI discriminant function is limited to individuals with a history of Mild TBI. Also, the age constraint must be adhered to, for both the LD discriminant function and the mTBI discriminant function. Discriminant functions are not to be used for purposes of diagnosis, but rather to confirm or disconfirm a hypothesis and to statistically evaluate the EEG in individuals with a known mTBI as diagnosed using standard behavioral and clinical measures (e.g., loss of consciousness, post-traumatic amnesia, dizziness, nausea, Glasgow Coma Score, etc). Under FDA filings only competent and qualified individuals are to use NeuroGuide and the discriminant functions and concussion index.

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