Prices and Order Table

A second NeuroGuide license is approximately 1/2 price & 1/2 price for any add-ons that were purchased for the previously purchased full priced NeuroGuide license. Single users are limited to a license for two computers one at full price and a 2nd license at 1/2 price. A 3rd license for a 3rd computer requires a purchase of a 1st license at full price. To purchase a 2nd license for a 2nd computer click HERE.

NeuroGuide and Add-Ons to NeuroGuide

SKUImageNameShort DescriptionPriceBuy
NeuroGuide Collection Module
NeuroGuide Collection Module

NeuroGuide Collect Module for the amplifier list in the description tab.

Discriminant Functions
Discriminant Functions

Learning Disabilities (LD) and mild Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) discriminant functions.*

Brain Performance Index
Brain Performance Index

The Brain Performance Index (BPI) is an estimate of the efficiency of neural resource allocation and it is not designed to replace a neuropsychological test but rather to compliment neuropsychological evaluations especially where a patient has problems taking a conventional neuropsychological test or when one wants to rapidly repeat the test.  Should only be used with clients between the ages of 5 and 18 years of old.


An EEG statistics program for test-retest and group analyses. It only takes a few mouse clicks to publish your results! Individual comparison options are independent t-tests, paired t-tests, and repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) as well as absolute and percent differences for Surface EEG as well as LORETA.

Descriptive Group statistics include Means and Standard Deviations and independent t-tests between Groups (does not assume equal variance or sample sizes).  Some group comparative statistics require the use of NeuroBatch™ to produce a NeuroGuide™ Group Analysis File.


Automatic Processing of Large Numbers of EEG Files. Group comparative statistics require the use of NeuroBatch™ to produce a NeuroGuide™ Group Analysis File or *.NGG file. Descriptive Group statistics include Means and Standard Deviations and independent t-tests between Groups (does not assume equal variance or sample sizes). Group statistics are used to compare different groups of subjects such as 100 ADD children to 100 normal children, etc.  Use NeuroBatch™ to create the *.NGG files before using NeuroStat™.

Surface 1 to 19 Channel Z Score Cross-Frequency Neurofeedback
Surface 1 to 19 Channel Z Score Cross-Frequency Neurofeedback

Surface 1 to 19 Channel Z Score Cross-Frequency Neurofeedback includes Linked Ears real-time Z scores. ‘Live’ or Real-time, coherence & phase amplitude Z scores. Includes a Symptom Check List and Surface EEG Z Scores to help structure a biofeedback protocol design. sLORETA Z scores measured during a QEEG analysis are also used to further aid in the development of a neurofeedback protocol.

Surface 1 to 19 Channel Z Score Neurofeedback
Surface 1 to 19 Channel Z Score Neurofeedback

Surface 1 to 19 Channel Z Score Neurofeedback includes Average Reference, Linked Ears and Laplacian real-time Z scores. ‘Live’ or Real-time, coherence, phase difference, power, amplitude asymmetry, phase shift and phase lock duration Z scores. Includes a Symptom Check List and Surface EEG Z Scores to help structure a biofeedback protocol design. LORETA Z scores measured during a QEEG analysis are also used to further aid in the development of a neurofeedback protocol.


BrainSurfer a Brain Computer Interface with 3-D NeuroImaging of Functional Brain Networks, sLORETA of Brodmann Areas & sLORETA of Networks in Real-time and Live Z scores of nodes and connections between nodes as measured by sLORETA Coherence, sLORETA Phase Differences, sLORETA Phase Shift, and sLORETA Phase Lock.

swLORETA Z Score Cross-Frequency Neurofeedback
swLORETA Z Score Cross-Frequency Neurofeedback

swLORETA Z Score Cross-Frequency Neurofeedback includes Linked Ears real-time Z scores. ‘Live’ or Real-time, coherence & phase amplitude Z scores. Includes a Symptom Check List and swLORETA EEG Z Scores to help structure a biofeedback protocol design. swLORETA Z scores measured during a QEEG analysis are also used to further aid in the development of a neurofeedback protocol.

ANI Streamer
ANI Streamer

The Streamer is a Video Streamer for Neurofeedback. Dock any DVD Player window, or NetFlix, YouTube, hulu or any other Web Service that allows you to watch videos and/or TV show.  Currently there are 2 display options available inside the Streamer that you can link to the Reward:  Brightness or Size.  One must own Surface Z Score Neurofeedback (NF1), LORETA Z Score Neurofeedback (NF2), Surface Cross Frequency Z Score Neurofeedback (NF3) and/or swLORETA Neurofeedback (swNFB) before you can use the ANI Streamer.

LORETA Current Density Normative Database
LORETA Current Density Normative Database

The LORETA Current Density normative database used the Key Institute’s ‘T’ matrix and cross-spectrum equations to compute the cross-spectrum of the EEG from each subject in the NeuroGuide™ normative database for each 2,394 gray matter pixel. The NeuroGuide™ software was tested by comparisons to the Key Institute software programs. After log10 transforms of the Key Institute current density values, the means and standard deviations of the 2,394 LORETA currents were computed for different age groups from birth to 82 years thus enabling a Z score to be computed for each of the 2,394 gray matter pixels and displayed using the Key Institute’s LORETA viewer.

LORETA Source Correlation
LORETA Source Correlation

The LORETA Source Correlation Add-on computes the Pearson Product Correlation Coefficient (-1 to +1) with respect to a 3-dimensional Region of Interest (ROI) and the remainder of the 2,394 LORETA Gray Matter Pixels over the time span of selected EEG and then displays the results in the LORETA Viewer. The ROI is identified by either an Anatomical Name or by Brodmann Area. The average current sources of the ROI are used in the computation of the correlation coefficient and the ROI correlation to itself = 0 in the LORETA Viewer.

LORETA Coherence and Phase Differences
LORETA Coherence and Phase Differences

LORETA Coherence and Phase Differences were computed by using cross-spectral analysis of Hilbert transforms of the current sources from the center voxels of each of 44 Brodmann areas in the left and right hemisphere in eight different frequency bands.

LORETA Phase Reset
LORETA Phase Reset

Generate Raw and Z Scored Bit Maps and Tab-delimited-text file for LORETA Phase Shift Duration and Phase Lock Duration.

LORETA Effective Connectivity
LORETA Effective Connectivity

Purchase LORETA Effective Connectivity to generate Raw and Z Scored LORETA Phase Slope Index bitmaps and tab-delimited-text files.

LORETA Cross-Frequency Coherence
LORETA Cross-Frequency Coherence

LORETA Cross-Frequency Coherence is anEEG LORETA measure of the Coherence (amplitude independent coupling) between frequencies and the center voxels of 88 different Brodmann areas, for example delta and beta or theta and alpha-2 or theta and high beta (Gamma), etc.  Neurons in a given Brodmann area communicates with other brain regions over a range of frequencies.  This add-on quantifies the coupling and provides a normative database comparison (Z scores) to help link symptoms to dysregulation in the brain.

Connectivity Suite
Connectivity Suite

The Connectivity Suite is currently available is cortical connectivity from 171 electrode combinations in a single display. Use the latest techniques to analyze coherence, phase differences, correlation, cross-spectrum, co-spectrum, quad-spectrum, bi-spectrum and phase reset.

Dynamic Bi-Spectral Analyses
Dynamic Bi-Spectral Analyses

The Bi-Spectral analyses includes: Spectrum of the Time Series of Instantaneous Power; Spectrum of the Time Series Relative Power; Spectrum of the Time Series of Instantaneous Coherence; Spectrum of the Time Series of Instantaneous Phase Differences; Spectrum of the Time Series of Instantaneous Amplitude Differences; Spectrum of the Time Series of Phase Reset; and Cross-Frequency Power Correlation (1Hz to 50 Hz).

Surface Effective Connectivity
Surface Effective Connectivity

Purchase the Surface Effective Connectivity add-on to generate Raw and Z Scored Surface Phase Slope Index bitmaps and tab-delimited-text files.

Surface Cross-Frequency Power
Surface Cross-Frequency Power

Surface Cross-Frequency Power is an EEG measure of the correlation of power between frequencies and scalp locations, for example delta and beta or theta and alpha-2 or theta and high beta (Gamma), etc.  A given brain region communicates with other brain region over a range of frequencies. Currently available for Raw Values Only.

Surface Cross-Frequency Coherence
Surface Cross-Frequency Coherence

Surface Cross-Frequency Coherence is an EEG measure of the Coherence (amplitude independent coupling) between frequencies and scalp locations, for example delta & beta or theta & alpha-2 or theta & high beta (Gamma), etc.  A given brain region communicates with other brain regions over a range of frequencies.  This add-on quantifies the coupling and provides a normative database comparison (Z scores) to help link symptoms to dysregulation in the brain.

Surface Cross-Frequency Phase Amplitude
Surface Cross-Frequency Phase Amplitude

The amplitude of higher EEG frequencies (e.g., beta) are related to the phase of lower EEG frequencies (e.g., theta). Therefore, this is a surface EEG measure of the correlation between the phase and amplitude of the EEG across frequencies and scalp locations, for example delta and beta or theta and alpha-2 or theta and high beta (Gamma), etc. This is a unique and important metric that in part reflects the coupling between the upper cortical layers (I-III that generate beta) and the lower cortical layers (V-VI) that generate delta and theta. This add-on quantifies the coupling and provides a normative database comparison (Z scores) to help link symptoms to dysregulation in the brain.

BrainSurfer Network Viewer
BrainSurfer Network Viewer

View 3-Dimensional NeuroImaging of Functional Brain Networks,  sLORETA of Brodmann Areas & sLORETA of Networks, Z scores of nodes and connections between nodes as measured by sLORETA Coherence and sLORETA Phase Differences.

Symptom Checklist
Symptom Checklist

This Symptom Checklist (SCL) was developed with the goal of linking symptoms to areas of the brain. Set the Z Score cut off, Sort by Z Score or Name, then Save a Tab-delimited-Text file and/or Print the results.

NeuroNavigator's swLORETA Current Source Density Normative Database
NeuroNavigator's swLORETA Current Source Density Normative Database

Add Current Source Density Z Scores to your  NeuroGuide™ NeuroNavigator when you purchase the swLORETA Current Source Density Normative Database (2 months to 82 years).   One must first purchase the NeuroNavigator add-on to NeuroGuide™.

NeuroNavigator's swLORETA Functional Connectivity Normative Database
NeuroNavigator's swLORETA Functional Connectivity Normative Database

Add Functional Connectivity to your NeuroGuide NeuroNavigator, Real-Time NeuroNavigator and the NeuroNavigator Time Domain Capture to view the Raw Scores and/or Z Scores of Coherence, Lagged Coherence and Phase Difference by purchasing the swLORETA Functional Connectivity Normative Database (2 month – 82 years). Must first purchase NeuroNavigator and the swLORETA Current Source Density Normative Database (NNZ) add-on to NeuroGuide™.

NeuroNavigator's swLORETA Effective Connectivity Normative Database
NeuroNavigator's swLORETA Effective Connectivity Normative Database

Add Effective Connectivity to your NeuroGuide NeuroNavigator, Real-Time NeuroNavigator and the NeuroNavigator Time Domain Capture to view the Raw and Z Scores of Information Flow (Phase Slope Index) when you purchase the swLORETA Effective Connectivity Normative Database (Birth to 82 years). Must first purchase the NeuroNavigator (NN) and the swLORETA Current Density Normative Database (NNZ) add-ons to NeuroGuide™.

NeuroNavigator's Diffusion Tensor Imaging Overlay
NeuroNavigator's Diffusion Tensor Imaging Overlay

Add the NeuroNavigator Diffusion Tensor Imaging (NNDTI) addon to view the DTI overlay(s) of the raw values or z-scores of the connectivity data of the NeuroNavigator. It is also possible to view the direction of the fibers in the NeuroNavigator, the Real-Time NeuroNavigator and the NeuroNavigator Time Domain Capture.  Must First Purchase NeuroNavigator (NN) and the swLORETA Current Source Density Normative Database (NNZ) and swLORETA Functional Connectivity Normative Database (NNF) and/or swLORETA Information Flow Normative Database (NNI) add-ons to NeuroGuide™ to use NNDTI.

NeuroNavigator's swLORETA Phase Reset Normative Database
NeuroNavigator's swLORETA Phase Reset Normative Database

Add swLORETA Phase Shift & Phase Lock to your NeuroGuide NeuroNavigator, Real-Time NeuroNavigator and the NeuroNavigator Time Domain Capture to view the Raw Scores and/or Z Scores of Phase Shift and Phase Lock by purchasing the swLORETA Phase Reset Normative Database (2 month – 82 years). Must first purchase NeuroNavigator and the swLORETA Current Source Density Normative Database (NNZ) add-ons to NeuroGuide.

NeuroNavigator's NaviStat
NeuroNavigator's NaviStat

Add the NeuroNavigator’s NaviStat (NNNS) addon to perform Individual and Group Statistics. NaviStat is based on our flagship swLORETA product NeuroNavigator, enhanced with the statistical power of NeuroStat, currently making it the most powerful QEEG comparison program available.  NaviStat can compare 2 individual QEEG Conditions or compare changes between 2 groups. With its multi window design the two conditions, along with the resultant comparison can be viewed. One must have the NeuroNavigator before purchasing NaviStat.


Standalone Items (Useful for Multi-site Clinics)

SKUImageNameShort DescriptionPriceBuy
NeuroGuide Viewer
NeuroGuide Viewer

The NeuroGuide Viewer™ is for for Neurology (Import EEG, Export EEG, Edits, Event Marking, Amplitude Marking, LORETA Time Domain, Event Time Export).

NeuroGuide Acquisition
NeuroGuide Acquisition

NeuroGuide Acquisition (NGA) is a Stand alone EEG acquisition – useful for Satellite Clinics. Includes collection of EEG, import of .ng, .edf & Text files, re-montage, save and print, marking of traces, color and polarity control of traces. No qEEG or editing capability. Also provides EEG biofeedback capability with purchase of NF1, NF2, NF3, swNF and/or Surfer (see NGA + NF1 and/or NF2 and/or NF3 and/or swNF and/or BrainSurfer). Price is $1,500 for each amplifier system.

NGA with NF1
NGA with NF1

NeuroGuide Acquisition (NGA + NF1) is a Stand alone EEG acquisition – useful for Satellite Clinics. Includes collection of EEG and real-time Surface EEG Biofeedback of Z scores of the Laplacian, Average Reference, Linked Ears, Coherence, Phase Difference, Phase Lock, Phase Shift, Relative Power, Absolute Power with Integrated Symptom Check Lists. No qEEG or editing capability. Does not require the purchase of NeuroGuide. Only one license per purchase is permitted, i.e., a 2nd license requires a 2nd purchase.

NGA with NF2
NGA with NF2

NeuroGuide Acquisition (NGA + NF2) is a Stand alone EEG acquisition – useful for Satellite Clinics. Includes collection of EEG and real-time 3-D LORETA EEG Biofeedback of Z scores of Power, Coherence, Phase Difference, Phase Lock, Phase Shift with Integrated Symptom Check Lists. No qEEG or editing capability. Does not require the purchase of NeuroGuide. Only one license per purchase is permitted, i.e., a 2nd license requires a 2nd purchase.

NGA with NF3
NGA with NF3

NeuroGuide Acquisition (NGA + NF3) is a Stand alone EEG acquisition – useful for Satellite Clinics. Includes collection of EEG and real-time Surface EEG Biofeedback of Z scores of the Laplacian, Average Reference, Linked Ears Phase Difference with Integrated Symptom Checklists. No qEEG or editing capability. Does not require the purchase of NeuroGuide. Only one license per purchase is permitted, i.e., a 2nd license requires a 2nd purchase.

NGA with BrainSurfer
NGA with BrainSurfer

NeuroGuide Acquisition (NGA + Surf) is a Stand alone EEG acquisition – useful for Satellite Clinics. Includes collection of EEG and a 3-D image of the Brain with real-time  Z scores of Power, Coherence, Phase Difference, Phase Lock, Phase Shift with Integrated Symptom Check Lists. No qEEG or editing capability. Does not require the purchase of NeuroGuide. Only one license per purchase is permitted, i.e., a 2nd license requires a 2nd purchase.

NGA with swNF
NGA with swNF

NeuroGuide Acquisition (NGA + swNF) is a Stand alone EEG acquisition – useful for Satellite Clinics. Includes collection of EEG and real-time swLORETA EEG Biofeedback of Z scores of Power, Coherence, Phase Difference, Phase Lock, Phase Shift with Integrated Symptom Checklists that includes 88 Brodmann Areas, plus the Thalamus, Vermis, Red Nucleus and the Cerebellum Regions of Interests. No qEEG or editing capability. Does not require the purchase of NeuroGuide. Only one license per purchase is permitted, i.e., a 2nd license requires a 2nd purchase.

Upgrade an older NGA to a NeuroGuide
Upgrade an older NGA to a NeuroGuide

Upgrading a NeuroGuide for Collection (NGA), that was purchased before March 15, 2020, to a NeuroGuide is a simple process, you just pay the difference of  NG ($3,395) – NGA ($1000) + the cost of the NC module ($600).


Update Subscription for NeuroGuide

SKUImageNameShort DescriptionPriceBuy
Update Subscription for NeuroGuide
Update Subscription for NeuroGuide

Update Subscription expired?  Purchase an Update Subscription so you can download and install the latest releases of NeuroGuide software for 1 year.  Not sure if your Update Subscription has expired.. then Open NG click on Help and select License Information.  The Update Subscription Expiration date will be above the Customer ID or at the bottom of License Information window, depending on your current version on NeuroGuide.


One to Nineteen Channel Z Score Program

Runs inside of Advanced Brain Monitoring, BrainMaster, Deymed, Thought Technology, NeuroField, NeXus (Stens Corporation or MindMedia) and EEG Spectrum Order directly from one or more or the companies listed above.

SKUImageNameShort DescriptionPriceBuy
Z Score DLL - Purchased through other providers
Z Score DLL - Purchased through other providers

2, 4 & 19 Channel Instantaneous Z Score EEG Biofeedback. In 2004 Applied Neuroscience, Inc. invented Z score EEG biofeedback. The 1st real-time or “live” Z score controlling biofeedback was distributed as a dynamic link library (DLL) to companies in 2004. Agreements were formed with companies that already had existing scalp surface EEG Biofeedback products using raw EEG data. These companies wanted to use their software environment to add Z scores based on the raw values computed in about 1 microsecond or in real-time for 2, 4 and 19 channels.

Transfer or Replacement Key B for Z Score DLL
Transfer or Replacement Key B for Z Score DLL

Charge for 1 Replacement or 1 Transfer Key B for any of the Z Score DLLs after the first 2 Transfer B Keys have been issued, with a maximum of one license transfer per year per licensee.  Prior to ANI issuing a Transfer or Replacement Key B the Licensee must personally email [email protected] and Certify that the computer has crashed or that the user has removed the DLL from the previous computer and the user must promise not to run the DLL on more than two computers.


NeuroGuide for Brainmaster – MiniQ

SKUImageNameShort DescriptionPriceBuy
Upgrade an NGBMr to a NeuroGuide
Upgrade an NGBMr to a NeuroGuide

Upgrade your NeuroGuide for BrainMaster (NGBMr) to a NeuroGuide, just pay the difference: NG ($3,395.00)  – NGBMr ($1200.00) = $2,195.00.


Handbook of EEG and EEG Biofeedback

SKUImageNameShort DescriptionPriceBuy
Handbook of QEEG and EEG Biofeedback eBook
Handbook of QEEG and EEG Biofeedback eBook

The e-Book is a “Living” book with 425 figures and tables, including over 275 pages of hands on tutorials. It is a “living” e-Book because it will be updated periodically. The e-Book is organized for beginners and has hyperlinks to allow readers to jump from simple to more complex topics and from the background to the tutorials and from tutorials to scientific detail with a few mouse clicks.


Replacement Copy of Older Version of NeuroGuide

SKUImageNameShort DescriptionPriceBuy
Replacement Copy of Older Version of NG
Replacement Copy of Older Version of NG

Charge to Recreate and Upload the Installation File for an Older Version of NeuroGuide. (Allow 3 ANI Business Days to Receive Download Link)
