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Charge for 1 Replacement or 1 Transfer Key B for any of the Z Score DLLs after the first 2 Transfer B Keys have been issued, with a maximum of one license transfer per year per licensee. Prior to ANI issuing a Transfer or Replacement Key B the Licensee must personally email [email protected] and Certify that the computer has crashed or that the user has removed the DLL from the previous computer and the user must promise not to run the DLL on more than two computers.
swLORETA Z Score Neurofeedback: Z Score swLORETA biofeedback of Brodmann areas in the brain, “Hubs”, “Modules” and “Default Mode Network” and 3-dimensional locations registered to a reference MRI. Includes ‘Live’ swLORETA Coherence & Phase Differences from 88 Brodmann Areas, plus the Thalamus, Vermis, Red Nucleus and the Cerebellum Regions of Interests.
swBrainSurfer-2 for a 2nd License NeuroGuide. Our Brain Computer Interface with 12,270 voxels, 3-D NeuroImaging of Functional Brain Networks and swLORETA of Brodmann Areas in Real-time and Live Z scores of nodes and connections between nodes as measured by the connectivity of swLORETA Coherence, swLORETA Lagged Coherence, Phase Differences and swLORETA Phase Slope Index (Information Flow). Must have swBrainSurfer on previously purchased full priced NeuroGuide.
swBrainSurfer is a Brain Computer Interface with a real-MRI with 12,270 voxels, 3-D NeuroImaging of Functional Brain Networks and swLORETA of Brodmann Areas in Real-time and Live Z scores of nodes and connections between nodes as measured by the connectivity of swLORETA Coherence, swLORETA Lagged Coherence, Phase Differences and swLORETA Phase Slope Index (Information Flow).
Surface Cross-Frequency Power is an EEG measure of the correlation of power between frequencies and scalp locations, for example delta and beta or theta and alpha-2 or theta and high beta (Gamma), etc. A given brain region communicates with other brain region over a range of frequencies. Currently available for Raw Values Only.
The amplitude of higher EEG frequencies (e.g., beta) are related to the phase of lower EEG frequencies (e.g., theta). Therefore, this is a surface EEG measure of the correlation between the phase and amplitude of the EEG across frequencies and scalp locations, for example delta and beta or theta and alpha-2 or theta and high beta (Gamma), etc. This is a unique and important metric that in part reflects the coupling between the upper cortical layers (I-III that generate beta) and the lower cortical layers (V-VI) that generate delta and theta. This add-on quantifies the coupling and provides a normative database comparison (Z scores) to help link symptoms to dysregulation in the brain.
Surface Cross-Frequency Coherence is an EEG measure of the Coherence (amplitude independent coupling) between frequencies and scalp locations, for example delta & beta or theta & alpha-2 or theta & high beta (Gamma), etc. A given brain region communicates with other brain regions over a range of frequencies. This add-on quantifies the coupling and provides a normative database comparison (Z scores) to help link symptoms to dysregulation in the brain.
NeuroGuide Acquisition (NGA + swNF) is a Stand alone EEG acquisition - useful for Satellite Clinics. Includes collection of EEG and real-time swLORETA EEG Biofeedback of Z scores of Power, Coherence, Phase Difference, Phase Lock, Phase Shift with Integrated Symptom Checklists that includes 88 Brodmann Areas, plus the Thalamus, Vermis, Red Nucleus and the Cerebellum Regions of Interests. No qEEG or editing capability. Does not require the purchase of NeuroGuide. Only one license per purchase is permitted, i.e., a 2nd license requires a 2nd purchase.
NeuroGuide Acquisition (NGA + NF3) is a Stand alone EEG acquisition - useful for Satellite Clinics. Includes collection of EEG and real-time Surface EEG Biofeedback of Z scores of the Laplacian, Average Reference, Linked Ears Phase Difference with Integrated Symptom Checklists. No qEEG or editing capability. Does not require the purchase of NeuroGuide. Only one license per purchase is permitted, i.e., a 2nd license requires a 2nd purchase.
NeuroGuide Acquisition (NGA + NF2) is a Stand alone EEG acquisition - useful for Satellite Clinics. Includes collection of EEG and real-time 3-D LORETA EEG Biofeedback of Z scores of Power, Coherence, Phase Difference, Phase Lock, Phase Shift with Integrated Symptom Check Lists. No qEEG or editing capability. Does not require the purchase of NeuroGuide. Only one license per purchase is permitted, i.e., a 2nd license requires a 2nd purchase.
NeuroGuide Acquisition (NGA + NF1) is a Stand alone EEG acquisition - useful for Satellite Clinics. Includes collection of EEG and real-time Surface EEG Biofeedback of Z scores of the Laplacian, Average Reference, Linked Ears, Coherence, Phase Difference, Phase Lock, Phase Shift, Relative Power, Absolute Power with Integrated Symptom Check Lists. No qEEG or editing capability. Does not require the purchase of NeuroGuide. Only one license per purchase is permitted, i.e., a 2nd license requires a 2nd purchase.
NeuroGuide Acquisition (NGA + Surf) is a Stand alone EEG acquisition - useful for Satellite Clinics. Includes collection of EEG and a 3-D image of the Brain with real-time Z scores of Power, Coherence, Phase Difference, Phase Lock, Phase Shift with Integrated Symptom Check Lists. No qEEG or editing capability. Does not require the purchase of NeuroGuide. Only one license per purchase is permitted, i.e., a 2nd license requires a 2nd purchase.