Use the Brain Optimization Index™ to track changes in a patient's various brain networks. The BOI can also be generated within an Automatic Clinic Report, if you purchase ACR uses. Before purchasing a Brain Optimization Index™ package, please verify that you have NeuroGuide v 3.0.7 or greater installed on your computer. NOTE if you have NeuroGuide v 2.9.3 - v 3.0.6 installed on your computer you can still purchase packages but the outputs will be labeled Brain Function Index and not include the latest updates.
NeuroLink Pro is a Stand-alone product that runs on PCs & Tablets and provides a self-assessment of symptoms based on the NeuroGuide™ symptom checklist inside of the Surface Z Score Neurofeedback, sLORETA Z Score Neurofeedback, Surface Z Score Cross-frequency Neurofeedback, swLORETA Z Score Neurofeedback and/or BrainSurfer Add-ons.
The e-Book is a "Living" book with 425 figures and tables, including over 275 pages of hands on tutorials. It is a "living" e-Book because it will be updated periodically. The e-Book is organized for beginners and has hyperlinks to allow readers to jump from simple to more complex topics and from the background to the tutorials and from tutorials to scientific detail with a few mouse clicks.
Only Available after the purchase of a full Priced ANI Streamer. If you want to purchase a 3rd, 5th, 7th… ANI Streamer you will need to pay full price. Currently there are 2 display options available inside the Streamer that you can link to the Reward: Brightness or Size. One must own Surface Z Score Neurofeedback (NF1), LORETA Z Score Neurofeedback (NF2), Surface Cross Frequency Z Score Neurofeedback (NF3) and/or swLORETA Neurofeedback (swNFB) before you can use the Streamer.
The Expert Mentoring/Consultation services available for Customers and Students that are provided by our ANI Staff includes: Review of Patient EEG Data, Expert Training on NeuroGuide, Training on How to Create Clinical Reports, Special Data Analyses, Advanced Topics. Personal Mentoring Session are provided via TeamViewer or Skype. The Fee is $250/hour
Charge for 1 Replacement or 1 Transfer Key B for any of the Z Score DLLs after the first 2 Transfer B Keys have been issued, with a maximum of one license transfer per year per licensee. Prior to ANI issuing a Transfer or Replacement Key B the Licensee must personally email [email protected] and Certify that the computer has crashed or that the user has removed the DLL from the previous computer and the user must promise not to run the DLL on more than two computers.
The Streamer is a Video Streamer for Neurofeedback. Dock any DVD Player window, or NetFlix, YouTube, hulu or any other Web Service that allows you to watch videos and/or TV show. Currently there are 2 display options available inside the Streamer that you can link to the Reward: Brightness or Size. One must own Surface Z Score Neurofeedback (NF1), LORETA Z Score Neurofeedback (NF2), Surface Cross Frequency Z Score Neurofeedback (NF3) and/or swLORETA Neurofeedback (swNFB) before you can use the ANI Streamer.
Update Subscription expired? Purchase an Update Subscription so you can download and install the latest releases of NeuroGuide software for 1 year. Not sure if your Update Subscription has expired.. then Open NG click on Help and select License Information. The Update Subscription Expiration date will be above the Customer ID or at the bottom of License Information window, depending on your current version on NeuroGuide.