The e-Book is a "Living" book with 425 figures and tables, including over 275 pages of hands on tutorials. It is a "living" e-Book because it will be updated periodically. The e-Book is organized for beginners and has hyperlinks to allow readers to jump from simple to more complex topics and from the background to the tutorials and from tutorials to scientific detail with a few mouse clicks.
Only Available after the purchase of a full Priced ANI Streamer. If you want to purchase a 3rd, 5th, 7th… ANI Streamer you will need to pay full price. Currently there are 2 display options available inside the Streamer that you can link to the Reward: Brightness or Size. One must own Surface Z Score Neurofeedback (NF1), LORETA Z Score Neurofeedback (NF2), Surface Cross Frequency Z Score Neurofeedback (NF3) and/or swLORETA Neurofeedback (swNFB) before you can use the Streamer.
swBrainSurfer-2 for a 2nd License NeuroGuide. Our Brain Computer Interface with 12,270 voxels, 3-D NeuroImaging of Functional Brain Networks and swLORETA of Brodmann Areas in Real-time and Live Z scores of nodes and connections between nodes as measured by the connectivity of swLORETA Coherence, swLORETA Lagged Coherence, Phase Differences and swLORETA Phase Slope Index (Information Flow). Must have swBrainSurfer on previously purchased full priced NeuroGuide.
Add NeuroNavigator's swLORETA Phase Shift & Phase Lock to your 2nd NeuroGuide License, Real-Time NeuroNavigator† and the NeuroNavigator Time Domain Capture to view the Raw Scores and/or Z Scores of Phase Shift and Phase Lock by purchasing the swLORETA Phase Reset Normative Database (NNPR-2). Must first purchase NeuroNavigator (NN-2) and the swLORETA Current Source Density Normative Database (NNZ-2) add-ons for you 2nd NeuroGuide License.