NeuroLink Unlimited is a Stand-alone program that runs on a Window computer. NeuroLink Unlimited provides a self-assessment of symptoms based on the NeuroGuide™ symptom checklist inside of the Surface Z Score Neurofeedback Module, the sLORETA Z Score Neurofeedback Module, Surface Cross Frequency Z Score Neurofeedback, swLORETA Z Score Neurofeedback, swLORETA Cross Frequency Z Score Neurofeedback and BrainSurfer add-on.
NeuroLink Pro is a Stand-alone product that runs on PCs & Tablets and provides a self-assessment of symptoms based on the NeuroGuide™ symptom checklist inside of the Surface Z Score Neurofeedback, sLORETA Z Score Neurofeedback, Surface Z Score Cross-frequency Neurofeedback, swLORETA Z Score Neurofeedback and/or BrainSurfer Add-ons.
swBrainSurfer is a Brain Computer Interface with a real-MRI with 12,270 voxels, 3-D NeuroImaging of Functional Brain Networks and swLORETA of Brodmann Areas in Real-time and Live Z scores of nodes and connections between nodes as measured by the connectivity of swLORETA Coherence, swLORETA Lagged Coherence, Phase Differences and swLORETA Phase Slope Index (Information Flow).
swBrainSurfer-2 for a 2nd License NeuroGuide. Our Brain Computer Interface with 12,270 voxels, 3-D NeuroImaging of Functional Brain Networks and swLORETA of Brodmann Areas in Real-time and Live Z scores of nodes and connections between nodes as measured by the connectivity of swLORETA Coherence, swLORETA Lagged Coherence, Phase Differences and swLORETA Phase Slope Index (Information Flow). Must have swBrainSurfer on previously purchased full priced NeuroGuide.
2 Channel Instantaneous Z Score EEG Biofeedback for Deymed. In 2004 the 1st real-time or "live" Z score controlling biofeedback was distributed as a dynamic link library (DLL) to several companies. Later an Agreement was formed with Deymed for their customer's that wanted to use Deymed's software environment to add Z scores based on the raw values computed in about 1 microsecond or in real-time for 2 channels.
Purchase the CGX Camp amplifier with Shipping & Handling, plus NeuroGuide, with a NeuroGuide Collection Module for CGX, and the Learning Disability and the mild Traumatic Brain Injury Discriminant Functions via a 10 month payment plan. The Down Payment Fee is add to the first months payment (Sign-up Fee). The 5% Finance Fee is calculated on the remaining balance and is included in the monthly payments.
Add NeuroNavigator's swLORETA Phase Shift & Phase Lock to your 2nd NeuroGuide License, Real-Time NeuroNavigator† and the NeuroNavigator Time Domain Capture to view the Raw Scores and/or Z Scores of Phase Shift and Phase Lock by purchasing the swLORETA Phase Reset Normative Database (NNPR-2). Must first purchase NeuroNavigator (NN-2) and the swLORETA Current Source Density Normative Database (NNZ-2) add-ons for you 2nd NeuroGuide License.
Add swLORETA Phase Shift & Phase Lock to your NeuroGuide NeuroNavigator, Real-Time NeuroNavigator† and the NeuroNavigator Time Domain Capture to view the Raw Scores and/or Z Scores of Phase Shift and Phase Lock by purchasing the swLORETA Phase Reset Normative Database (2 month - 82 years). Must first purchase NeuroNavigator and the swLORETA Current Source Density Normative Database (NNZ) add-ons to NeuroGuide.
Purchase the CGX Camp amplifier with Shipping & Handling, plus NeuroGuide, with a NeuroGuide Collection Module for CGX, swLORETA Neurofeedback and the ANI Streamer, Plus the NeuroNavigator with 2 swLORETA Normative Databases & NaviStat via a 10 month payment plan and Save $200. The Down Payment Fee is add to the first months payment (Sign-up Fee). The 5% Finance Fee is calculated on the remaining balance and is included in the monthly payments.
Purchase the CGX Camp amplifier with Shipping & Handling, plus NeuroGuide, with a NeuroGuide Collection Module for CGX, swLORETA Neurofeedback and the ANI Streamer via a 10 month payment plan and Save $200. The Down Payment Fee is add to the first months payment (Sign-up Fee). The 5% Finance Fee is calculated on the remaining balance and is included in the monthly payments.
Add the NeuroNavigator's NaviStat (NNNS) addon to perform Individual and Group Statistics. NaviStat is based on our flagship swLORETA product NeuroNavigator, enhanced with the statistical power of NeuroStat, currently making it the most powerful QEEG comparison program available. NaviStat can compare 2 individual QEEG Conditions or compare changes between 2 groups. With its multi window design the two conditions, along with the resultant comparison can be viewed. One must have the NeuroNavigator before purchasing NaviStat.
NeuroGuide Acquisition (NGA + NF3) is a Stand alone EEG acquisition - useful for Satellite Clinics. Includes collection of EEG and real-time Surface EEG Biofeedback of Z scores of the Laplacian, Average Reference, Linked Ears Phase Difference with Integrated Symptom Checklists. No qEEG or editing capability. Does not require the purchase of NeuroGuide. Only one license per purchase is permitted, i.e., a 2nd license requires a 2nd purchase.
NeuroGuide Acquisition (NGA + swNF) is a Stand alone EEG acquisition - useful for Satellite Clinics. Includes collection of EEG and real-time swLORETA EEG Biofeedback of Z scores of Power, Coherence, Phase Difference, Phase Lock, Phase Shift with Integrated Symptom Checklists that includes 88 Brodmann Areas, plus the Thalamus, Vermis, Red Nucleus and the Cerebellum Regions of Interests. No qEEG or editing capability. Does not require the purchase of NeuroGuide. Only one license per purchase is permitted, i.e., a 2nd license requires a 2nd purchase.
swLORETA Z Score Neurofeedback: Z Score swLORETA biofeedback of Brodmann areas in the brain, “Hubs”, “Modules” and “Default Mode Network” and 3-dimensional locations registered to a reference MRI. Includes ‘Live’ swLORETA Coherence & Phase Differences from 88 Brodmann Areas, plus the Thalamus, Vermis, Red Nucleus and the Cerebellum Regions of Interests.